Author Topic: PSP won't turn on...  (Read 1059 times)

Offline pspklant

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PSP won't turn on...
« on: March 27, 2008, 01:44:25 AM »
Hi guys, ok I will explain my story.

First I dropped my psp and the wifi-switch was broken so I bought a new motherboard. But then started the problems. I installed the mobo and I found out that my backlight wasn't work so I soldered the resistor.

But after that my LED's won't work well, one time they turn on, the other time they turn off and my powerboard LED doesn't turn on.. :sadno:... Sometimes I hear the sound of my psp that starts, sometimes I don't...

I'm really desperated.... Has anyone an idea, solution for this problem?

Ps. when I press the mobo near the "powerboard-connecter-place" the LED of my powerboard turns on...

Thanks in advance!


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