ok after some strenuous work i figured out how to use an xbox controller as a gamepad for you're computer cheap and easy
things i think you'll need:
1. xbox 1 controller
1.5. xbox breakaway cable
2. USB cable
3. lighter or wire strippers [i prefer the lighter]
4. wire cutter
5. a cool head
first off. if you want the drivers you will have to find them yourselves, as ryan0 has informed me of their legality and i refuse to let acidmods get in trouble for my mistake.
ok now take the breakaway cable, cut off the MALE part of it [the part that plugs into youre xbox] leaving as much wire to work with as possible. strip it about and inch down the way, locate the red, green, white, and black wires. yellow is not needed, get rid of it. then take your usb cable and cut off the opposite end of the one that plugs into your usb port, strip it until you feel you have enough wire to work with. locate the wires inside, red, green, white, black. strip em with whatever you chose, strippers or lighter. i find it easier to just burn the insulation off. splice them with the adjacent wires of the matching color on the breakaway cable, insulate, make sure there are no shorts. shorts are bad, i had them with my first one. avoid shorts. after this, the hard part is over, and congratulations you now have a conversion cable that you can also use if you would like to make your own action replay as well. attach your controller to the cable, plug the cable in, when it asks about the drivers tell it to look for them on its own, it should find xbcd, allow it install n'att then your set, go into the control center on your pc and find the xbcd icon and play around a bit, personally i find this to be a major help in ZDoom. hopefully this has helped some, PM me if you have any questions on the tutorial
credit to those at XBCD for making the driver
edit: thank you for that bit of info, i fixed it now