Author Topic: Smash Bros. Rumble..  (Read 3567 times)

Offline BiiPiiGii

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Smash Bros. Rumble..
« on: January 30, 2009, 07:52:53 PM »
Hey I heard about the Smash Bothers Rumble game that came out for homebrew and I tried to get it to work but for some odd reason DSOrganize fails... Okay, I'm using a NDSTT v.1.17 which is the latest I believe. I've tried loading DSOrgonize 3.2 and Moonshell 1.72 and I'm still getting errors. The error I get form DSOrgonize is: "You haven't patched the DSOrganize with any DLDI file. The Chishm loader requires you to have a DLDI patched DSOrganize or a dldi file in your resources directory." for Chishm and for Might Max I get: Guru meditation Error! Undefined instruction! (And a bunch of numbers). From the latest Moonshell I get: "An error occured while trying to access the disc or file. Did the setup end normally? Is the "/moonshi" folder moved or deleted? Have you enabled the resume function with a media that's not supported? Do you have enough free space on your media? Please reformat the media and try again. Please try with different media from another manufacturer." I'm going to see what can be done with the things it's telling me to do. However, If there is anything else you might know please fill me in. Thank you.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 10:14:32 PM by BiiPiiGii »


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