Bought this off my friend for 5 bucks ;D Got bored after modding a sixaxis, and since I still had my iron plugged in i decided to do a quick led swap.
So a few days later, I got bored again so I decided to do some modding... Ripped open the gameboy again, and after some thinking, I decided that I didn't have enough room near the buttons to make some button-activated leds look good. But, I already had the thing open so after some more looking around I noticed that there's TONS of space in the back of the gameboy. So, I decided adding some leds there would be a good idea
Took atleast 4 hours, and I was so stressed out, but eventually I finished it lol. I ended up snapping a wire, pulling an led out of its hot glue, and ended up accidentally securing my motherboard to the back of the gameboy with hotglue and wires... So now I can't do any repairs or more mods to the back of the thing. Here are the final results.
(click on the pictures to view full sized)
My wiring... Not the neatest but it works.
LEDs just glued in[/img]Back of GBA, in light
Back of GBA, in darkness
Front of GBA, in darkness
Front of GBA, in light
Sorry for all the pictures..