Author Topic: bricked my galaxy s4 need help downloading firmware  (Read 12198 times)

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bricked my galaxy s4 need help downloading firmware
« on: March 13, 2017, 12:40:49 PM »
i was wondering if someone from here could help me out i've been trying to download the stock firmware for my phone but my internet is slow as hell and it keeps saying download failed after a few minutes i was wondering if someone could download it for me and create a torrent or send it to me in some way where the download wont fail over a slow connection

the firmware is on this site samsung-firmware (org)

Firmware SPH-L720T / L720TVPUBNG5

Update: you need to make an account on the website before you download it but you can just type in random letter n stuff for the account
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« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 04:51:06 PM by Brian 503 »


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