KSMQ = US Location, Somerset Airport
080253Z = day 8, 0253 hrs (2:53 AM), ZULU (GMT)
00000KT = No wind direction (000) and no wind speed (00) (no wind), KT stands for Knots
7SM = 7 Statute Miles of visibility
-RA = Light Rain
OVC032 = Overcast (?) w/ceiling of 3200ft
02/02 = 02 degrees celcius (temp), 02 degrees celcius (dewpoint)
A2976 = Altimeter 29.76" of mercury (barometric reading)
RMK AO2 = Remarks (ending); automated station
the rest I'm unsure of but know they're all weather status indicators related to the station's location... its a METAR weather report used by airports...
can I haz cookie?