Author Topic: Samsung Monte Disassembly  (Read 3885 times)

Offline RROD

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Samsung Monte Disassembly
« on: August 09, 2010, 02:54:57 PM »
i dont no if i have posted this in the right bit or even on the right fourm but this is my favoruite forum so i thought i would share it with you :) so please dont be mean if i have got it wrong haha
i few weeks ago i broke my freinds Samsung Monte and decided to fix it myself and as they wer no tutorials of how to dissasemble this phone on the internet atal ! i hope this will help or entertain somone

1. start by removing the back cover , battery, sim and micro sd card. remove all 6 screws as seen in the picture

2. now run your safe pry tool along the sides of your phone between the 2 half's until all the clips are released and remove the back plastic panel from the rest of the phone and put it aside

3. there are 2 clips holding down the main board , push the board in the opposite direction of the clips and it should just pop out but be care full there are still ribbon cables attached to the board

4. now take your safe pry tool and pop out all 3 ribbon cables attached to the board and also the circular rumble motor attached with 2 wires. now take of the silver tape at the bottom of the phone and remove the ribbon cable from underneath it , then go to the top of the phone and disconnect the ribbon cables from there connectors by lifting the black half of one up on the left and the orange one on the other side and remove the headphone jack.

5. un-clip the 3 clips from the metal chassis as seen on the picture and pry up the metal chassis with your pry tool it should pop right of.

6. you should now be able to remove the touch screen by prying it up , be careful if the touch screen isn't faulty because it is glued down but if it is faulty no care is needed.

7. now in this case i had to remove the digitizer but if you are only replacing the touch screen skip this and put the phone back in reverse order. to remove the touch screen you need a hair dryer or heat gun , i used a hair dryer to head the whole thing for about 3-4 minuets longer if needed ( try not to touch the digitizer as it will become VERY hot and may burn) now pry between the plastic case and the digitizer and run it around the edge and it should come straight of.

hope this helps , sorry if i put it in the wrong bit !
« Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 03:19:26 PM by RROD »

Offline Alexandra18

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Re: Samsung Monte Disassembly
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2011, 05:39:37 AM »
Samsung Monte has perfect clear call quality, good choice of ring tunes and a good 3.2mp camera plus has front camera, very responsive touch screen it operates simillar to the iPhone when scrolling through the menus, the added bonus is wi-fi connection which gives a good connection. The only downside is there are no games on the phone, you do have to buy the games off the Samsung web site, the other plus side is you can move the apps on your menu around to your taste like the iPhone, plus you can add more downloaded apps as well


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