Author Topic: Now hackers turn on LulzSec  (Read 1486 times)

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Now hackers turn on LulzSec
« on: June 25, 2011, 11:48:19 AM »

Website brought down as rival communities vow their own vendetta

Having terrorised both the games industry and much of the wider world with its campaign of cyber attacks over recent weeks, LulzSec has now itself become the target of the wider hacking community.

The group's website was temporarily brought down earlier today following an attack, codenamed Operation Supernova, by a hacker called Oneiroi
"I'd like to let the public know that phase one of OPERATION SUPERNOVA has been successful,"
he said on Twitter.
" is Tango down at this time."

New Scientist reports that fellow hacker TeaMp0ison has subsequently vowed to reveal the true identities of LulzSec members:

"We're here to show the world that they're nothing but a bunch of script kiddies. We're going to let them do what they do. Then we're going to do what we do. We're going to hit them hard."
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Develop Awards

Such developments are not a huge surprise. Hacking pioneers Anonymous suffered similar internal turmoil last month when members began to turn on one another.

In fact, many are still of the belief that it was this fallout that lead to the departure of the recently charged Ryan Cleary and, allegedly, his subsequent founding of LulzSec.
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