Author Topic: Analog issues  (Read 3165 times)

Offline IamKeyLay

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Analog issues
« on: December 11, 2010, 04:55:35 PM »
Hello all. I just joined the site.
I am having issues playing my xbox 360 and was hoping that someone could offer some suggestions or useful modifications.

My issuse is with the Left trigger and analog stick. I have great difficulty moving about with the left analog stick and when I play games that require the holding of the left trigger to aim its very difficult. I have installed a 3.5mm jack fot the left trigger but I am looking for a mod that doesn't require any extra parts.

Heres my current set up:
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Offline durban65

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Re: Analog issues
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2011, 08:49:58 AM »
My problem is that even though I'm using a ps3 controller and have it set to say it's using a Duel Shock, the emulator won't register that analog is on even though I toggle it on. Instead it just turns off all controls, even in games where I know that analog is usable. Previously I was using lilsub or whatever and one topic said that was bad, so I switched to Motionjoy like it suggested but now my computer seems to think that my L2 and R2 buttons are the X axis so now I Can't use those as buttons. Should I just switch back to Lilsub? And does anyone have any advice on the analog issue?


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