Author Topic: Prototype Dev Help  (Read 6669 times)

Offline SixtyninNaMoose

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Prototype Dev Help
« on: July 30, 2012, 09:40:22 PM »
Hey Guys,

Moose here, I'm in need of some help developing some xbox 360 controller programs/micro processor. As some of you guys know I'm fairly new to modding and I've made a few accessible controllers. I've finished a working on a controller with button swapping, like this one from Evil Controllers It works great and it's much cheaper than $400, of course it took some time to perfect but worth it.

Ok so here's where I need help. I want to kick my design up a few notches. I wan't to incorporate the following:

1. Voice Recognition
2. LED Screen User Interface
3. Keyboard & Mouse Integration
4. Option Rapid Fire for Every Button
5. Button Press Hold
6. Perform Multiple Button Presses With One Button
7. Stick Sensitivity Adjustments
8. Other Adjustment Options

I want people to have control over every possible function. I want them to have options, options and more options that can easily be programmed through the LCD screen using only their voice. Along with recording up to 50 in game voice commands. I want them to be able to plug 3.5mm jacks into a usb adapter that can then be plugged into the controller and assign functions to them through program screen. Now I know its possible to use this device for using a few commands However I'd to have all this in one device.

I know absolutely nothing about programming and microprocessors, So this why I'm asking for help. Please let me know if you can help.




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