Author Topic: EA to end online game pass program...wait what!  (Read 19673 times)

Offline toadzilla

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EA to end online game pass program...wait what!
« on: May 15, 2013, 11:53:29 PM »

in news that im sure is going to shock a lot of the gaming community ea has decided to officially stop its online pass program according to EA's senior director of corporate communications
None of our new EA titles will include that feature.”
“Initially launched as an effort to package a full menu of online content and services, many players did not respond to the format,” Reseburg said. “We've listened to the feedback and decided to do away with it moving forward.
now if you're like me who woke up tp this i just about fell off my bed i remember  a year ago when EA was pushing this big saying it was the way of the future and it's what's needed  now there's a couple possibilities that might come out of this which is why they canceled it  A) they felt it actually was a burden to their customers and want to actually do good for us the ones who decided a game makes it or breaks it or B)  the new ps4 and infinity has a used game blocker while ps4 has said this will not happen  we will most likely find out come e3 and of course the 21st which is a few days away when xbox decides to take the wraps of what they have been working on
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 11:54:56 PM by toadzilla »

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Re: EA to end online game pass program...wait what!
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2013, 01:00:31 AM »

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