Author Topic: Advanced Modding  (Read 2319 times)


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Advanced Modding
« on: December 25, 2007, 11:23:02 PM »
once you got your basic skills down and want to do more difficult mods i got only one thing to tell you so that you can do more advanced modding. always keep a modding notebook! i have multiple ones and they are priceless. first thing you want to do is go out and buy a notebook then open up the console that you want to mod. draw a rough sketch of the internal parts into your notebook. then start brainstorming. i usually never go into a mod without first brainstorming alternate methods of doing it then choosing the best one. unlike what you've heard i dont usually start modding until after ive created a brainstorm. thats all. plus later on in your modding career you can look back at stuff that you do and gain inspiration about past mods that might apply to new mods. good luck


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Re: Advanced Modding
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2007, 11:47:15 PM »
yeah, but your projects are HUGE!!!!!!

but yes that still is a good Idea
However today I was brutally raped by a door handle, and none of my friends helped me up off the floor after ten minutes, instead they all teabaged me, all 10 of them...


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Re: Advanced Modding
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2007, 11:55:34 PM »
oh even for small mods i write it down. everytime i do a usb charger mod i just open it to the charger mod page and do it. plus it keeps your brain straight. a lot of times you'll forget minor details and this will help you keep track. but the keypoint to make is brainstorming. go balls to the walls with it. i think of at least 10 ways to do something. then merge those ideas to form new ideas. thats the key to making unique mods.

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Re: Advanced Modding
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2007, 05:48:44 PM »
Did you see that topic on that guy who is putting an extra 2 batteries in and a camera?

Cheers For The Sig Indy! :)


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