Author Topic: PSX Help  (Read 1047 times)

Offline ultimaarashi

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PSX Help
« on: March 10, 2008, 07:53:27 PM »
Yea, I have an old PSX and I figured I'd do something with it, so I wanted to do something simple. I'm going to attach it to my desk.

However, in doing this I've ran into a single problem: I can't get the sponge-like plastic... supports? That hold up the lazer/disk mount to attach to the metal parts below them. Sodering didn't work (The plastic resisted 1040*f!, and then wouldn't attach to the soder) nor hot glue. Just wondering.

The reason behind this is that I have two places to mount the drive/mobo combination, one is sideways, the other is upside down. So, having the lazer and disk mount fall off mid play isn't such a good idea.

Thanks for the help - I didn't know if this would go here or retro game systems.
Is the PSX considered a retro system yet?

Offline seikene

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Re: PSX Help
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2008, 08:00:15 PM »
I think it is o.0, It was made in the 90's :D. Anyway, From what I'm getting, you want to attach it to your desk, with the disk mount on top of the psx or on the side somwhere?. If anything, you should make a case that can hold that part seperately. All that has to be connected is just that ribbon cable, so you can debend it and place it on the side of the desk. It would be pretty cool, I'd even suggest makign it deattachable, to place on other places :D
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