This is an announcement pertaining to approaching Acidmods's many wonderful sponsors and vendors
CyberPyrot has worked very hard to build strong relationships between acidmods and other sites such as coolmods enough to share advertising and mutual respect and sponsorships
These strong positive relations have been strained in recent times due to people approaching them for freebies.
THIS WILL NOW STOP!!!Cyber would like people to stop going to sites like coolmods and imagesco and using his, nic0's or the Acidmods forum in generals name to get free goods and services. This is not only financially dangerous, but dangerous towards the Acidmods reputation as a site, and the friendships it holds with other sites.
Each time this has happened the situation has gotten bad FAST and the situation incredibly hard to contain and justify to the Acidmods public.
Status's have been lost and people have even banned, we don't like to do these things, but its a measure that must be taken to get the message across.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Acidmods Administration and Moderation team. Just please stop asking for Free stuff