Author Topic: Legend of Legaia on PSP :D Finally working!!  (Read 5985 times)

Offline K4P741N KRUNCH

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Legend of Legaia on PSP :D Finally working!!
« on: June 18, 2008, 01:47:02 PM »
Hey guys, I don't know if you've heard of Legend of Legaia, but it's pretty much the best RPG to ever grace the PS1, rivaling even FFVII.
Until now, it always froze when you used the first healing leaf in the first battle and you couldn't posibbly get around it.
Well I tried it on the default 3.90 M33 popsloader, it didn't work.  So I started working my way up loading the 3.4 pops all the way up to 3.72 on my PSP, using each and every one, getting to the first battle and watching it freeze.... until I got to 3.72 :D

Now it's working perfectly! I am already pretty far into the game and there are no problems whatsoever!!
One thing I noticed though, whenever I had the XMB theme Blacksilk selected it would not load, I'm not exactly sure why.
But I just changed the theme and now it works.

Also, a tip for anyone else wanting this game.
Use the NTSC version, it's the only one I could get to work!!
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