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I herd you like stealing quotes ey?
You might have fried the mobo with static you should always ground yourself before opening electronics.
I just fixed my ps3's ylod and it works great except after about 20 minutes of use the psu gets really really hot and it make a mosquito noise that is very quiet. So do i need a new psu? or is that normal?
you just need a new mobe of the same model lol
ok i just re flowed my motherboard and my ps3 now works but my ps3 shutsoff in about 2 hours of use and it starts blinkng red so i turn it off for about a minute and turn it back on and everything works again its just the psu gettin hot and nothing else so do i need a new psu? for now i just keep a fan pointed at the psu and i can run it constantly with out problems.
wow ive never heard of a overheating PS3 PSUyou might try to replace the PSU but I would just try replacing the PSU or wait until the Slim is fully out and see weather it has overheating issues.