Author Topic: Plastation logo cut into psp: Mod UPDATE  (Read 889 times)

Offline K.A.O.

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Plastation logo cut into psp: Mod UPDATE
« on: June 23, 2010, 12:32:08 PM »
ok i decide to do something a little different. i decide to cut the psp logo into the back of the psp... not the door... the actual body.

well anyways when i was cutting it my dremel broke so i had to cut the rest out with a utility knife and my sodlering iron. so if your wondering why i couldnt do a better job... thats why lol. you know how hard that is!! its not exactly what i was hoping for so when i get a new dremel i will make another and my other psp as well to show you guys a clean cut.

the blue LED out brightens the purple so its kinda hard to the the purple LED's... i have a blue one b.c i ran out of purple =P.

so here it is...

KAO: PSP 1000 LED mod [update]

« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 10:09:23 AM by K.A.O. »


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