Author Topic: iPad / Fios TV Anywhere!  (Read 2316 times)

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iPad / Fios TV Anywhere!
« on: August 21, 2010, 06:23:30 PM »
Verizon is preparing a new live television application for the iPad and other table PCs.This maneuver could eliminate the requirement for in home cable boxes in some opinions.

A demonstration at the CIO of Verizon Shaygan Kheradpir’s home showed off the Fios TV service which included live streaming television on the iPad.

The newest application allows those whom are Fios television subscribers to stream from there cable source onto the iPad over your basic Wi-Fi connection. This new service will only work in your home initially but the company eventually intends the service to become a part of Verizon’s TV-anywhere strategy. This service would use a password and username to verify you service.

This application and service will come to other tablet PCs but the company stated “We have to start the engineering somewhere, and the iPad is an ideal device for this.”



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