Author Topic: Autumn 2011, The biggest season for gaming in recent years?  (Read 2448 times)

Offline frenulem - No.5417

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It is a well know fact, whether you like the game or not, that the Call Of Duty series is the king of console FPS gaming, many have tried to knock it off of it's pedestal, Homefront looked hopeful and yet still has not even touched the height of COD with it's finger tips, Crysis was so close to smashing Call Of Duty yet fell short once again. So the title of FPS king is left firmly on Call Of Duty's head, but as we well know it has had a turbulent recent history....
When Modern Warfare 2 came out it was brilliantly revived, yet the pretty exterior soon crumbled away to reveal a broken and half finished game, with glitches still present and bad game mechanics, one of the most anticipated games of all time was a massive failure, yet still managed to break records for sales, the game was so broken it was considered by many to be unplayable and they went back to previous titles for the time until the next release.

That next release was Call Of Duty:Black Ops, and like previous COD titles broke numerous records, yet on it's release many people were wary, not to get caught in the so called "Honey Moon Period" where you just play the game and experiment, before the over powered combinations become present, people are tired of Black Ops already, saying that even though there were many problems in MW2 it was not as stale as Black Ops is becoming. The trouble for developers is that with a larger fan base it has to try and please more and more people, and in recent years the Call Of Duty developers are having a hard time doing this.

So what does this mean? It means that many people are looking for different games to play, that are like the Call Of Duty series but not, and as the foundations of the Call Of Duty's pedestal are faltering, it looks as if Battlefield 3 is wielding the hammer to knock it off.

Dice, the developers of the Battlefield series have bade the very sneaky move of pushing the game to release 2 weeks before the next installment of Call Of Duty, and seeing as though the majority of their customers are teenagers, many without their own source of income can get their parent to buy them one but then say no to getting a second released two weeks later, this means that Battlefield has cornered the market a little.

So the combination of high quality, drip fed footage, and release date swindling has set Battlefield 3 up to be a very good competitor for Call OF Duty and the next in line to the throne Of FPS King.


(Jesus i swear i never wrote that much :E)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 08:31:58 AM by frenulem - No.5417 »

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: Autumn 2011, The biggest season for gaming in recent years?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2011, 09:59:18 AM »
I will be back online multiplayer for the fall. If its cod im playing , or checking out Battlefield 3 's new frostbite stuff , either way I will have an xbox back online for this.

Offline geraldrubalcava

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Re: Autumn 2011, The biggest season for gaming in recent years?
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2011, 05:47:57 PM »
this might be a bit off topic, but for those cod or bf fanboys. mw2 was one of the best fps games ive played. yes it has its faws, but as far as i know MW2 was running on IW5.0, while cod4,5,7 are running on the previous version of the game engine (IW 4.0 engine). The new Battle field 3 is using one of the best engines to power its graphics. But the engine comparison can not determine the same play style, which  are completely different. BTW those BF fanboys that are so exited about "it looks more realistic that COD" well the previews were on a PC.... meaing any game with the proper hardware will look amazing.

plus bf3 is going to be a standard of 30fps, while the typical eye sees around 30-60fps. mw3 will have a minimum of 60fps. which means it will look all together smooth.

P.S. IW announced that they might have dedicated servers for ps3, and 360. In developers standpoint they will probably eliminate any lagg issue problems (like Lagg Ops) and they will probably be able to fix issues on the fly. They also said they will have long term support.

Offline RyanF

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Re: Autumn 2011, The biggest season for gaming in recent years?
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2011, 06:12:02 PM »
this might be a bit off topic, but for those cod or bf fanboys. mw2 was one of the best fps games ive played. yes it has its faws, but as far as i know MW2 was running on IW5.0, while cod4,5,7 are running on the previous version of the game engine (IW 4.0 engine).
looks like you have "faws" too.  lol

Offline geraldrubalcava

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Re: Autumn 2011, The biggest season for gaming in recent years?
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2011, 06:40:24 PM »
lol i know. i was just saying out of the COD series i like COD6 the most, and COD8 will be a continuation but hopefully will fix the misstakes they had.

also that when companies shows trailers or live gameplay it is usually on a pc.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 06:42:20 PM by geraldrubalcava »

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: Autumn 2011, The biggest season for gaming in recent years?
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2011, 08:40:54 PM »
One thing I read about the battlefield stuff is they are making it so the pc version doesn't get all the love this time. Meaning they are putting a ton of effort into making the graffix and lighting amazing weather your on a baddass PC or an xbox.
and they will have the insane multiplayer like 2 did for the pc ver, but for the consoles this time.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 08:42:07 PM by denali31004 »

Offline geraldrubalcava

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Re: Autumn 2011, The biggest season for gaming in recent years?
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2011, 08:41:47 AM »
well in the games, the engine is what determines how the game looks. one thing i love about infinity award is that they make there own engine and the game too. but the engine is limited to the hardware, and the xbox 360 is now middle aged hardware compared to pc's. So its a good thing that they are working on a proper 360 version. Although ps3 technically has the better hardware, most cross platform games dont pay much attention to making a proper ps3 version.

One thing i dont like is that BF3 s still going to be only 30fps. as a movie 30fps seems natural and comfortable , but for a live game it seems more of a hassle. its like seeing those 120hz tv and they looks super realistic and fast, but it feels natural to watch a movie like that because everyone is used to 30p or 24p. but for gaming 120hz is fuuuuuking amazing! lol

BUT at the end it just depends on your play style.

Offline GhoSt

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Re: Autumn 2011, The biggest season for gaming in recent years?
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2011, 10:20:18 PM »
Lets not turn this into a fanboy argument.
My 2c on the games coming out:
Battlefield 3:
Frostbyte 2 engine is likely to be a huge improvement on the original, hopefully will be much less glitchy to really support a game of such a high caliber. The graphics that can be seen in game-play so far are nothing short of breathtaking, yet one must keep in mind these are all pc graphics console footage has yet to be released. The improvements in physics and animations are also outstanding.

If you are a pc gamer with a monster of a machine this game is pretty much a guaranteed win. As for us low budget console gamers, the graphics will most likely be slightly above those of BC2. Knowing DICE they will crank settings as high as possible at the cost of the game pulling only 30fps.

Modern Warfare 3:
As seen the texturing is about the same (slightly better models) than modern warfare 2. The locations look rather interesting though, battling through metropolis's. One thing we can be sure about this game is it will run at the standard cod 60fps on console, giving fluidity to movements in fast paced gaming.

Pretty much with modern warfare 3 you know what you are going to be getting. I know I will get a good 3-4 months of solid online out of it. With battlefield, I have high hopes but I doubt it will come close to that figure.

I am a fan-boy of gaming, and I will be getting both games.
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Offline geraldrubalcava

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Re: Autumn 2011, The biggest season for gaming in recent years?
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2011, 11:32:19 PM »
so true man ! ima get them both, but i cant say i will solidly play BF3. mw3 is using the exact game angine as mw2, but with all the fixes and non ridiculous perks, better maps. and overall, instead of devising there time towards the engine, now IW will have more time on the game play aspect. cant wait for november!  :tup:


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