i used the mod from modded matt
https://www.acidmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,25338.0.html but i took out the npn switching transistor and the on off switch and ran it to a momentary switch instead to have the rf on the switch instead of the trigger
i also ran another wire from pin 3 connected it to a momentary switch and to the middle pin of the left trigger
the problem im having is that when i turn the controller on it turns directly off as if the mod was pulling too much power from the controller but when i plug it in to the plug and play it does the same thing so i dont know
not sure what im doing wrong
any help would be appreciated
yes i know this is a really old mod and yes i know a pic is better but im bored and waiting for my pic12f683 to come in the mail
i really want hazers flex mod but until i get my pics i cant program it so i wanted to pass the time with a few things i have never done before
maybe this is because this is the cg2 controller ?