Author Topic: Android mobile internet tethering become undetectable by carriers  (Read 4074 times)

Offline Frosty

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When the idea that your smartphone’s data connection would be able to be shared by your laptop with no additional charge, everyone seemed to be on board over the past year, carriers have started up extra costs for this and have struck down all attempts by apps to sidestep the process , until now.

What one of the most well-known hacker/developers in the world Koushik Dutta, aka Koush, has done is to create a non-market app that allows you to use your smartphone as an internet hotspot, doing so without adding costs to you beyond what that data would cost to you on your smartphone on its own. And it’s completely (nearly) undetectable by carriers.

"Over the last month, I've been working on a new app. Tether Alpha is a USB[2] tether solution for Mac, Windows, and Linux that allows you to use your phone's data connection to get internet access on your desktop or laptop." Koushik Dutta said.

 "I am intentionally not providing any installation instructions, because I feel that if the app can't be set up without installation instructions, I have failed to make it easy enough to use. ;)"
ClockworkMod Tether is an alpha application that enables wireless tethering on Android devices. The difference between this and most other solutions is that it:
 -- Doesn’t require the phone to be rooted
 -- Doesn’t require a monthly tethering plan from your carrier
 -- Will supposedly not be detectable by carriers thanks to a workaround to be implemented.


The above links should automatically install the Android portion if you have USB debugging enabled on the phone.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 03:47:20 AM by whitetop »

Offline whitetop

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Re: Android mobile internet tethering become undetectable by carriers
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2012, 03:45:28 AM »
dame now the words out i bet i will only get my 500mb free now and not 10-15gb lol dame wish people would stop publishing this stuff so we can all carry on with there problem and not get it fixed.
come to the rite place if you kiss admins as they promote you to admin.

Offline PsychoticWolf

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Re: Android mobile internet tethering become undetectable by carriers
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2012, 10:01:02 PM »
I use PDAnet and the Sprint Hotspot Cracked. no extra fees here. I been able to circumvent all extra fees for tethering. I used 40+gigs in one month on Sprint(unlimited Data) and I was able to get my friends Verizon Droid up to 25gigs before they see any usage. :D

For the awesome Sigs Thanks goes to: Blazinkaos, Chef Boyardee
O o
RyanF: lol im not that sick.  I don't feel like licking the s*** off a 40 year old guy's ass
RyanF: you want me to lick your crusty old buns dont you?
2/20/2012 at 08:55:34 PM

Offline nEoVaLoR

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Re: Android mobile internet tethering become undetectable by carriers
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2012, 11:49:19 PM »
dame now the words out i bet i will only get my 500mb free now and not 10-15gb lol dame wish people would stop publishing this stuff so we can all carry on with there problem and not get it fixed.
agreed.. it's only making things worse for us customers who actually pay

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: Android mobile internet tethering become undetectable by carriers
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2012, 06:29:49 AM »
This sort of reminds me of what SONY did with the PS3. They sell you a device with all these cool features, then try to take the cool features away or make you pay extra to use your cool features. Well look what happened to SONY. You would think companies would start getting the point, either give us what we want or we will find our own ways to get it. Cell companies overcharge and over bill their customers, the BIG 3 (ver,at&t,sprint) all have a monopoly on the market and what they are doing is illegal. They seem do do messed up stuff to their customers every couple months. Im sorry but my cell phone bill should not be over 100$ when my plan is for 50. 50$ in taxes and fees is silly.
I believe these companies are getting to big for their britches and I am glad people have shared this so others can reap the benefits from the hackers. I have been using open tethering for a while. I dont use it much so I never made a big deal about it. 

Offline whitetop

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Re: Android mobile internet tethering become undetectable by carriers
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2012, 09:37:33 AM »
yeah i use pdanet on iphone and after this was published to the net few hours later my free net got cut off what a bugger these little :censored:ers are keep opening there mouths on free bug stuff.
come to the rite place if you kiss admins as they promote you to admin.


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