Author Topic: Is this possible? (PS3 controller minor mod)  (Read 4374 times)

Offline wvnative

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Is this possible? (PS3 controller minor mod)
« on: January 14, 2012, 08:46:32 AM »
Hello, I signed up because I was intrigued by all the controller mods I have seen on this site. I have SMA type 2. I can't walk, I don't have full use of my hands or arms, despite these limitations, I have NEVER had issues playing, and beating, many video games using a standard controller. Some controllers are harder to use than others. For example, I can barely use the 360 controller, but my hands work perfect for the playstation controller. I've always been a sony fan though, so I've never had any real problems before.

However, since the invention of motion controls, I've started having issues. I don't have the arm strength to use motion controls. Luckily for me, every PS3 game i've ever owned had an option to disable the ps3's motion controls. And every wii game i've wanted used either the classic or gamecube controller. But then, this past christmas, I got Heavy Rain for christmas, this game requires heavy and frequent use of the sixaxis controls. This game is cool, but the forced motion controls makes me very angry, my mom has had to help me 3-4 times already, and to be honest even she had to try it a few times.

I was wondering, is it possible to simply add a third analog stick somewhere on the controller to remap the sixaxis controls to it? I don't know much about this modding stuff and I haven't seen any mods involving the motion controls, but I fear that future games will also require the sixaxis controls, so it'd be nice to have a modded controller just in case. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated, heck, I'd be willing to pay someone to do this for me if they wanted.

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: Is this possible? (PS3 controller minor mod)
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2012, 12:27:56 PM »
I will look into this for you.

Offline wvnative

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Re: Is this possible? (PS3 controller minor mod)
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2012, 08:20:44 AM »
Thank you, it would mean a lot to be able to use the sixaxis in games that use it.

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Re: Is this possible? (PS3 controller minor mod)
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2012, 06:34:47 AM »
Wiring a stick up in place of the Accelerometer is one way of going about that, but, it's going to give you other issues that would make it a bit of a mess to deal with.

First being that only 2 of the 3 Axis (directions) could be used with only one stick.

Second, the ACC voltage, while still using the same 2.8v supply and 1.4v center, varies a lot less than the Sticks do. Where the Sticks swing from 0v to 2.8v (min/max) the ACC only varies from (approximately) 1.1v to 1.7v, so wiring a Stick up in place of that is going to make it incredibly sensitive at best, and at worst constantly drift in one direction or another.

Third, the newer style PS3 Sticks are Hall Sensors, not Potentiometer based, so using any of them would add a whole other layer of work to that. This one isn't so much of an issue for using a stick in place of the ACC, but bared mentioning none the less.

Lastly where to mount the new stick(s) so they're easy to use.

What would really work the best is to offload the ACC from the PS3 controller. Then mount the ACC to some other thing that could be moved more easily, for example a head band or wrist strap kind of deal for it. What would work best there would vary form person to person based on their abilities, but it would allow the ACC to still maintain all of it's functions.
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

Offline wvnative

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Re: Is this possible? (PS3 controller minor mod)
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2012, 04:59:46 PM »
Not sure if a wrist strap would work or not... A headband certainly won't as I like to play lying down. I can't really bend my wrist from side to side... Sounds like the third stick idea won't work very good though :(

*sigh* I dunno what to do...


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