Author Topic: Official Show off your Xbox One Rapid Fire Controller/Xbox One Modded Controller  (Read 11683 times)

Offline Rodent

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Modded Matt's Xbox One Controller

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
Rodent consoles mods


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This is the same controller I did for the mod off. I added tact switches in place of all the buttons for more responsive button presses. I changes the led to purple and the minimapper led to blue. I redid the faceplate color as I accidentally scratched it and had to strip the paint and re due it all over. It still has all the original features; mod chip & minimapper + 3ds slider. I forgot to take pics of the LEDs after it was done. I used killer cans for the paint. I used a Nevada silver base with a camillion FX top. It reflects blue to green from different viewing angles. I then toped that off with a mirror coat. It could of came out better but I'm real new to painting. Anyway just wanted to share my new additions to my XB1 controller.

Offline imran421

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Can you please share how did you do it?

Offline Bankzy534

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Check out xtreme rate on Amazon they have some decent led mods, FYI I'm not affiliated with them I just use there mods


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