Author Topic: News Team Update  (Read 1149 times)

Offline IndyChav

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News Team Update
« on: February 11, 2008, 08:49:59 AM »
Okay it's come to my attention, as I'm sure it has to some others, that the news team is failing to produce as well as it could. On the most part I blame myself for not organizing this thoroughly.

The concept of a "News Team" will be obsolete as of now. In its replacement I would like everyone who is interested to just post on the front page and your article will be assessed and included in the news page if it's acceptable, if not then you will be given some tips to improve it.

Article Tips

  • Include an eye catching image in your article (you may find it online just make sure to download it to your computer before uploading to the site as it requires less bandwidth)
  • Include a source URL at the bottom of your article
  • Ensure a healthy article, informative with extensive description to ensure readers enjoyability as opposed to an updated change log
  • Spell check your work, if you are using firefox then it has it's own spell checker. If not then i suggest you download and use it as it is a superior web browser

Those are the key factors to a good article.

If you are interested, PM me saying so once you've written an article for me to check over before publishing. Once I have decided you are good enough to publish your own work you will be promoted and will have a greater responsibility, which will lead to greater rewards.

I would also like to appeal to all the members of the Acidmods community and ask them to contribute occasionally to the news page, if you find something interesting that you think we would like to hear about then either write and article or let me know and I will write it up on behalf of you.
      Even if you don't want to take up the responsibility it would be in your best interest to contribute. As we expand acidmods more benefits will become available to you.

Additionally at the end of every month, starting with February 2008, the best journalists of the month will be announced and will receive a recognition for their dedicated service.

If you have any questions regarding this then either post them here or PM me and I will answer them as quickly as possible.

We need all the help we can get from the community to put acidmods on the intraweb map and expand in to world domination!!!


« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 08:52:56 AM by IndyChav »

Offline MattZani

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Re: News Team Update
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 08:56:12 AM »
I signed up, but not sure if im on the news team...
Retired Modder, minor dabbling from now on :P

Offline IndyChav

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Re: News Team Update
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2008, 09:05:45 AM »
Again the news team is obsolete, I propose we get the news page itself fully functioning before an actual team is formed.

I want everyone who wants to contribute in any way or form be it full dedication or the odd article to help as much as they can. The members who feel they want to take on performance and I feel deserve the additional benefits that the news team will get will be given the extra responsibility and benefits.

Again I can not stress as enough at the fact that you need to post to be considered and we need to get the news page fully functioning to achieve a greater standard of article.

This will be decided through time.

Offline ra1n

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Re: News Team Update
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2008, 02:43:07 PM »
I agree with Indy. You can pm or me if you have an article ready to be posted. The main problem we are having is not enough contributors. So any help is appreciated.

getting old is mandatory growing up is optional.


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