Author Topic: XBOX 360 Fan Replacement, Help.  (Read 1672 times)

Offline i22foosh

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XBOX 360 Fan Replacement, Help.
« on: April 27, 2008, 09:59:13 PM »
Hey, so i just got my 360. And the fans sound like a girl moaning during an orgy or when shes giving birth.

I found a nice fan, but dont wana get banned for modifications.

So i wana use this fan

And it looks as if the power is the same so i dont get banned but i wana be 100% sure, because idk how to make an external power supply...

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Re: XBOX 360 Fan Replacement, Help.
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2008, 11:02:41 AM »
Guys because it is starting to annoy me I quickly googled and this is the only thing I found about banning modified XBOX 360's

Also as I've said before but as always got ignored completly, Xbox's that use the 12v hack on their fans, which is basicly tapping the 12v source on the DVD drive and leading that to the fan making them turn faster, is noticable by Microsoft, and THOSE get banned. Srsly guys.

Also proof to the 12v fan thing:

FFS you people love to refuse to either search, or read, I will make a sticky for this to make it finally stop!

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Re: XBOX 360 Fan Replacement, Help.
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2008, 07:46:24 AM »
the whisper fan is just the same except its quieter looks cool and works better and ive not been banned and the fan in mine is only a minor reason as to why i would get banned lol so you should be fine but if you actually searched the forum you would have found an answer to this


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