Author Topic: Would these be worth buying for rapid fire  (Read 2780 times)

Offline redryno1221

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Would these be worth buying for rapid fire
« on: May 21, 2008, 04:47:03 PM »
I need to know asap...for rapid fire on xbox 360 controller... :beg:


12f629 Chip...

Offline everlasting_will

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Re: Would these be worth buying for rapid fire
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2008, 06:41:28 PM »
Programer: i recomend ASIX PRESTO, i think is the most universal low cost programmer.

I can't help youa lot with the pic as far as i haven't read the mod code and don't know exactly how many I/O ports need it. But probably almost any pic with enough I/O pins will be good, always that it has enough memory for storing the code. Though as i said i haven't read the code and i don't know if it uses any special feature from a particular chip (i guess not cause the idea seems quite simple). I guess it just generates pulses when some particular input pins are at high level. I would say in c programming would be something like this. This would be the code for many pics but in c language, i am working right now with 12f675 (with the internal oscilator).

void init(void)
TRISIO = 0x01; GPIO0 set as input, the rest are ouputs.

void main(void)
    While (GPIO0) // If GPIO0 is at high level
         GPIO1=1;  //GPIO1 which is an output will be set at high level
         DelayMs(100); //delay of 100 miliseconds

There would probably needed more config register, take this as an example.
I don't know how many buttons you need, neither the voltage that goes through the lines of the buttons, that would be just a matter of measuring.
First Be then PSP !!


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