Author Topic: Neo 2in1 - 4gb Limitation problem  (Read 2130 times)

Offline angelbe

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Neo 2in1 - 4gb Limitation problem
« on: October 10, 2008, 08:38:13 AM »

I have a problem with my neo 2in1 board ...

I don't have the 4gb limitation solder on my board !

Have you already saw this problem ? Have you a solution for me please ?

Here you can see the original board : (from the neo flash forum and wher they ask to cut the 4gb solder to remove the limitation)

Nowyou can see my neo board :

Now you can see the difference between the two card :

on the left it's my card and on the right it's the card where normally i must cut the 4gb solder.

You can notice, on my board, they are nothing on the last pin of the processor ... (see my red arrow on the left picture)

Yes it's write in french beside picture because i speak french also and i've already query this on pspgen.

Is somebody there who can help me ? what i must do the remove the 4gb limitation without having the 4gb solder on my board ?

Thank yoy very much for your help


I've followed the indications gived on the neo flash forum for the board where the 4gb short line limitation don't exist but it's not working also ...,5371.0.html

Please if there someone has the same material, and the same problem, please help me if you have informations.

Thank you very much in advance.

dslitemodder: Please don't double post.  :winker:
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 09:49:49 PM by dslitemodder »

Offline Tri-edge

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Re: Neo 2in1 - 4gb Limitation problem
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2008, 09:54:15 PM »
if it's still not working then it means you have either one of two problems:

1) they have release a new version of the board which is different from both of the previous models (unlikely, but not impossible)

2) You just didn't do a good enough job of soldering and the connection is bad (This is probably your problem)

I can't do anything to help you if it's number one.  but if it's number 2 then just try again and see if you can get it right.

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Neo 2in1 - 4gb Limitation problem
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2008, 10:05:59 PM »
if it's still not working then it means you have either one of two problems:

1) they have release a new version of the board which is different from both of the previous models (unlikely, but not impossible)

2) You just didn't do a good enough job of soldering and the connection is bad (This is probably your problem)

I can't do anything to help you if it's number one.  but if it's number 2 then just try again and see if you can get it right.
dslitemodder, read his post please. He said he can't bridge it because the trace/solderpoint that needs to be cut, isn't there. The trace coming from the chip isn't on his newer board..

OP, best I can say is maybe try to cut the pin? It could work, and if not just solder it again.
Since, well, that's what you're essentially doing for the mod. Cutting the pin off from the point it goes to. So, if you simply cut the pin... all should be fine.
If not don't go blaming me XD You can try it, but like I said, it's just an idea.

Offline Tri-edge

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Re: Neo 2in1 - 4gb Limitation problem
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2008, 09:53:15 PM »
if it's still not working then it means you have either one of two problems:

1) they have released a new version of the board which is different from both of the previous models (unlikely, but not impossible)

2) You just didn't do a good enough job of soldering and the connection is bad (This is probably your problem)

I can't do anything to help you if it's number one.  but if it's number 2 then just try again and see if you can get it right.

dslitemodder, read his post please. He said he can't bridge it because the trace/solderpoint that needs to be cut, isn't there. The trace coming from the chip isn't on his newer board..

« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 09:55:15 PM by dslitemodder »

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: Neo 2in1 - 4gb Limitation problem
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2008, 01:47:27 PM »

Yeah, but you read his problem wrong... You didn't look at his pics or read his post right.
You're like "OH it's highly unlikely but you may have a new board" When yes, he clearly does have one, and has a picture of it.
And "You're problem is most likely you're not soldering good. Try again." If he could solder there, then maybe that's his problem. But, no he can't because the traces aren't there.

OP, you try what I suggested?


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