Author Topic: Compile hex?  (Read 2942 times)

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Compile hex?
« on: March 19, 2009, 08:29:20 PM »
Could somebody copile this hex for me? I'm having issues installing MPLAB IDE so thanks!

;   XBOX360 Rapidfire / Sleeperfire Opensource Project                *
;   on the PICmicro PIC12F683. This file contains the basic code      *
;   building blocks to build upon.                                    *
;                                                                     *
;                                                                     *
;   Refer to the MPASM User's Guide for additional information on     *
;   features of the assembler (Document DS33014).                     *
;                                                                     *
;   Refer to the respective PICmicro data sheet for additional        *
;   information on the instruction set. REPEAT: READ the #$%^&*&*ing  *
;   datasheet. Its all in there, so stop wasting others time by asking*
;   questions already asnwered.If you dont understand the datasheet   *
;   then by all means ask the question.                               *
;                                                                     *
;    Filename:       xxx.asm                                           *
;    Date:     Now                                                    *
;    File Version:                                                    *
;                                                                     *
;    Author: Hazer                                                    *
;    Company:                                                         *
;                                                                     *
;                                                                     *
;                                                                     *
;    Files required:                                     *
;                                                                     *
;                                                                     *
;                                                                     *
;                                                                     *
;    Notes:                                                           *
;                                                                     *
;                                                                     *
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;                                                                     *

   list      p=12F683        ; list directive to define processor
   #include <>    ; processor specific variable definitions

   errorlevel  -302          ; suppress message 302 from list file


;***** VARIABLE DEFINITIONS******************
w_temp        EQU     0x70        ; variable used for context saving
status_temp   EQU     0x71        ; variable used for context saving

FLAGS      EQU      0x20      ;software state register
PULSER      EQU      0x21      ;pulse on counter
DWELLTIMER   EQU      0x22      ;pulse off counter
STATE      EQU      0x23      ;programmed state
BUTTONHOLD   EQU      0x24
FREQR      EQU      0x25      ;frequency value
TEMP1      EQU      0x26
TEMP2      EQU      0x27
PULSEL      EQU      0x28
DWELLTIMEL   EQU      0x29
TEMP5      EQU      0x2A
LEDBLINK   EQU      0x2B
TEMP3      EQU      0x2C

;*******bits in FLAGS register***********
PULSEONR      equ      0
PULSEONL      equ      1
TRIGOUT         equ      2
LEDHI         equ      3
STATECHANGE      equ      4

;*******bits in STATE register***********
RIGHTACTIVE      equ      0
LEFTACTIVE      equ      1

;*********GPIO pin names*****************
LEDL         equ      5
LEDR         equ      4
BUTTONR         equ      2
BUTTONL         equ      3
TRIGGERR      equ      0
TRIGGERL      equ      1

;**********Speed settings: change these to change speed (0x05-0xFF)(Halo COD4 COD5 Gow2)
FIRERATE1      equ      0x2F
FIRERATE2      equ      0x12
FIRERATE3      equ      0x41
FIRERATE4      equ      0x64

   ORG     0x000             ; processor reset vector
   goto    main              ; go to beginning of program

   ORG     0x004             ; interrupt vector location
   movwf   w_temp            ; save off current W register contents
   movf   STATUS,w          ; move status register into W register
   movwf   status_temp       ; save off contents of STATUS register

         ;Take a good note here. OSC is left at default 4MHz.
         ; We are running at 1MHz instruction cycle, or 1 micro second
         ;Timer 2 is prescaled 1:4 and compared (PR2) to 250.
         ; we now have hardware interupt that falls every 1ms exactly
         ;within limitation of osctune. Main code is inconsequential.
         ;PULSE and DWELL values control the signals precisely.
         ;All pulse logic is switched within the few microseconds to
         ;service the interupt routine. DO NOT modify the ISR
         ;with any kind of 'wait' or 'loop'. If you want to trigger
         ; timed events do so by setting an open FLAG bit and have the
         ;event done in the main loop.

   btfss   PIR1, TMR2IF      ;timer 2 int happened

;**************** LED blinking *********************************************
                        ;Our main routine will turn the flag bit
                        ;LEDON on or off. The 10ms pulse is a duty cycle
                        ;for the code to work with both CG and
                        ;matrix controllers.

   btfss   FLAGS, LEDHI
   goto   LedLow
   decfsz   LEDBLINK, f         ;if pulse is active, count down 10ms
   goto   RightLED
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   LEDBLINK
   bcf      FLAGS, LEDHI      ;10ms done, turn off LEDHI bit
   goto   RightLED
   decfsz   LEDBLINK, f         ;LEDLO time, count down 10ms
   goto   RightLED
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   LEDBLINK
   bsf      FLAGS, LEDHI      ;10ms done, turn LEDHI bit on

   btfsc   STATE, RIGHTACTIVE   ;is RF on?
   goto   OutputRightLED
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   bsf      TRISIO, LEDR      ;tristate LED
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0
   goto   LeftLED
   btfsc   FLAGS, LEDHI      ;if ledhi true,
   bsf      GPIO, LEDR         ;turn output hi
   btfss   FLAGS, LEDHI      ;if ledhi flase,
   bcf      GPIO, LEDR         ;turn led output lo
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   bcf      TRISIO, LEDR      ;turn output on
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0

   btfsc   STATE, LEFTACTIVE   ;is RF on?
   goto   OutputleftLED
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   bsf      TRISIO, LEDL      ;tristate LED
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0
   goto   RightTrigger
   btfsc   FLAGS, LEDHI      ;if ledhi true,
   bsf      GPIO, LEDL         ;turn output hi
   btfss   FLAGS, LEDHI      ;if ledhi flase,
   bcf      GPIO, LEDL         ;turn led output lo
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   bcf      TRISIO, LEDL      ;turn output on
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0

;**************** Right trigger logic***************************************   
   btfsc   STATE, RIGHTACTIVE   ;is RF on?
   goto   ActiveR
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   bsf      TRISIO, TRIGGERR   ;output off
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0   
   goto   LeftTrigger

   btfss   FLAGS, TRIGOUT      ;controllertype
   bcf      GPIO, TRIGGERR      ;determines
   btfsc   FLAGS, TRIGOUT      ;output state
   bsf      GPIO, TRIGGERR   
   btfss   FLAGS, PULSEONR      ;is pulse active?
   goto   OffstateR
   decfsz   PULSER, f         ;if pulse is active, count down 10ms
   goto   LeftTrigger
   bcf      FLAGS, PULSEONR      ;10ms is over, clear flags and
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   bsf      TRISIO, TRIGGERR   ;tristate output
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0   
   movf   FREQR, w         ;and reset pulse time.
   movwf   PULSER
   goto   LeftTrigger

   decfsz   DWELLTIMER, f      ;count down dwell time to next pulse
   goto   LeftTrigger
   bsf      FLAGS, PULSEONR      ;if dwell is done turn on outputs
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   bcf      TRISIO, TRIGGERR   ;and reset pulse time
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0   
   movf   FREQR, w         ;from frequency value
   movwf   DWELLTIMER

   btfsc   STATE, LEFTACTIVE   ;is RF on?
   goto   ActiveL
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   bsf      TRISIO, TRIGGERL   ;output off
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0   
   goto   EndInterupt

   btfss   FLAGS, TRIGOUT      ;controllertype
   bcf      GPIO, TRIGGERL      ;determines
   btfsc   FLAGS, TRIGOUT      ;output state
   bsf      GPIO, TRIGGERL   
   btfss   FLAGS, PULSEONL      ;is pulse active?
   goto   OffstateL
   decfsz   PULSEL, f         ;if pulse is active, count down 10ms
   goto   EndInterupt
   bcf      FLAGS, PULSEONL      ;10ms is over, clear flags and
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   bsf      TRISIO, TRIGGERL   ;tristate output
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0   
   movf   FREQR, w         ;and reset pulse time.
   movwf   PULSEL
   goto   EndInterupt

   decfsz   DWELLTIMEL, f      ;count down dwell time to next pulse
   goto   EndInterupt
   bsf      FLAGS, PULSEONL      ;if dwell is done turn on outputs
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   bcf      TRISIO, TRIGGERL   ;and reset pulse time
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0
   movf   FREQR, w         ;from frequency value
   movwf   DWELLTIMEL

   bcf      PIR1, TMR2IF

   movf    status_temp,w     ; retrieve copy of STATUS register
   movwf   STATUS            ; restore pre-isr STATUS register contents
   swapf   w_temp,f
   swapf   w_temp,w          ; restore pre-isr W register contents
   retfie                    ; return from interrupt


   clrf   TEMP2
   movlw   0x0D
   movwf   TEMP1            ;rough 10ms timer for button debounce.

   decfsz   TEMP2, f         ;count down 256*3=768 cycles
   goto   Loop1
   decfsz   TEMP1, f         ;count down 768*13=9986 cycles
   goto   Loop1
   bsf     STATUS    , RP0      ;Bank1
   movlw   0x02
    movwf   EEADR
    bsf     EECON1    , RD      ;start read
    movf    EEDAT    , W
   bcf     STATUS    , RP0      ;Bank0

   bsf     STATUS    , RP0
   movwf   EEDAT
   movlw   0x02
   movwf   EEADR
   bsf      EECON1,WREN       ;Enable write
   bcf      INTCON, GIE       ;Disable INTs
   btfsc   INTCON, GIE       ;See AN576
   goto   $-2
   movlw    0x55             ;Unlock write
   movwf    EECON2
   movlw    0xAA
   movwf    EECON2
   bsf    EECON1, WR          ;Start the write
   btfsc   EECON1, WR         ;wait for hardware to clear (done writing)
    goto    WaitForEEWrite
   bcf     STATUS    , RP0      ;Bank0
   bsf    INTCON, GIE       ;Enable INTS


   clrf   GPIO
   clrf   FLAGS            ;clear outputs and code status register
   movlw   0x07
   movwf   CMCON0            ;comparators off
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   movlw   0x0F            ;start with 0-3 inputs (ADC read)
   movwf   TRISIO            ;pin 0 & 1 & 5 out, all other inputs
   movlw   0x51            ;Fosc/16, pin 0 analog
   movwf   ANSEL            ;Right trigger is analog input
   movlw   0x04
   movwf   WPU               ;enable week pullups
   bcf      OPTION_REG, 7      ;enable all week pullups
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0

   movlw   0x01            ;Left just, Vdd, channel 0
   movwf   ADCON0            ;module on.
   movlw   0x10
   movwf   TEMP1
   decfsz   TEMP1, f
   goto   Wait4ADC         ;acquisition time
   bsf      ADCON0, 1         ;start ADC
   btfsc   ADCON0, 1
   goto   $-1               ;wait for conversion to be done
   movlw   0x40            ;about 0.5V from 2V ref
   subwf   ADRESH, w         ;if f > W, C=1
   btfsc   STATUS, C         ;ie- if trigger > 0.5V, then matrix
   bsf      FLAGS, TRIGOUT      ;matrix config sources (output high)
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   movlw   0x0C            ;restore pin IO
   movwf   TRISIO   
   clrf   ANSEL            ;all digital now
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0

   movlw   0x0A            ;start with 10ms pulse width
   movwf   LEDBLINK         ;for the LEDs
   movlw   FIRERATE1         ;this will get overwritten,
   movwf   PULSER            ; but start with a default value
   movwf   PULSEL
   movwf   DWELLTIMER
   movwf   DWELLTIMEL
   call   ReadEE            ;get state value
   movwf   STATE

   movlw   0x01
   movwf   T2CON            ;timer 2, prescale 1:4, no postscale
   bsf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 1
   movlw   0xFA
   movwf   PR2               ;setup 1ms hardware interupt
   bsf      PIE1, TMR2IE      ;enable timer2 interupt
   bcf      STATUS, RP0         ;bank 0
   bsf      T2CON, TMR2ON      ;turn on timer2
   movlw   0xC0
   movwf   INTCON            ;turn on interupts globally
   goto   InitState         ;get first firerate value

;******MAIN LOOP***************
   btfsc   GPIO, BUTTONL
   goto   TestRight         ;Test for left button press
   call   Wait10ms
   btfsc   GPIO, BUTTONL      ;button is down for 10ms
   goto   TestRight
   btfss   GPIO, BUTTONL      ;wait for button release         
   goto   ReleaseLeft
   call   Wait10ms
   btfss   GPIO, BUTTONL      ;wait for button release         
   goto   ReleaseLeft

   movlw   0x02
   xorwf   STATE, f         ;toggle left trigger
   call   WriteEE            ;store state

   btfsc   GPIO, BUTTONR
   goto   Start
;   goto   DisplayState      ;Test for right button press
   call   Wait10ms
   btfsc   GPIO, BUTTONR      ;button is down for min 10ms
   goto   Start
;   goto   DisplayState
   movlw   0xC8
   movwf   BUTTONHOLD         ;setup for 2 second hold
   call   Wait10ms
   btfsc   GPIO, BUTTONR      ;button is down for more than 10ms
   goto   ReleaseRight
   decfsz   BUTTONHOLD, f
   goto   First2seconds
   movlw   0xC8
   movwf   BUTTONHOLD         ;setup for 2 second hold
   call   Wait10ms
   btfsc   GPIO, BUTTONR      
   goto   ReleaseRight
   decfsz   BUTTONHOLD, f       
   goto   Second2seconds      ;button down for 4 seconds, change firerate
   movlw   0x40
   addwf   STATE, f         ;change firerate state
InitState                  ;begin test for
   btfsc   STATE, 7         ;state 1 or 2
   goto   State3
   btfsc   STATE, 6
   goto   State2
   movlw   FIRERATE1            ;state 1
   movwf   FREQR
   bcf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led off
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop01
   bsf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led on
   bsf      FLAGS, STATECHANGE      ;notify a state change
   goto   ReleaseRight

   movlw   FIRERATE2         ;state 2
   movwf   FREQR
   bcf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;blink twice, led off
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop02
   bsf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led on
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop03
   bcf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led off
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop04
   bsf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led on
   bsf      FLAGS, STATECHANGE      ;notify a state change
   goto   ReleaseRight

   btfsc   STATE, 6
   goto   State4
   movlw   FIRERATE3         ;state 3
   movwf   FREQR
   bcf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;blink 3 times, led off
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop05
   bsf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led on
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop06
   bcf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led off
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop07
   bsf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led on
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop08
   bcf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led off
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop09
   bsf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led on
   bsf      FLAGS, STATECHANGE      ;notify a state change
   goto   ReleaseRight

   movlw   FIRERATE4         ;state 4, 22ms cycle
   movwf   FREQR
   bcf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;blink 4 times, led off
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop10
   bsf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led on
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop11
   bcf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led off
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop12
   bsf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led on
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop13
   bcf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led off
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop14
   bsf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led on
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop15
   bcf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE      ;led off
   movlw   0x0A
   movwf   TEMP3
   call   Wait10ms            ;100 ms
   decfsz   TEMP3, f
   goto   Loop16
   bsf      STATE, RIGHTACTIVE   ;led on
   bsf      FLAGS, STATECHANGE   ;notify a state change

   btfss   GPIO, BUTTONR      ;wait for button release         
   goto   ReleaseRight
   call   Wait10ms
   btfss   GPIO, BUTTONL      ;wait for button release         
   goto   ReleaseRight
   btfsc   FLAGS, STATECHANGE   ;test for button tap or state change
   goto   Continue01
   movlw   0x01
   xorwf   STATE, f         ;toggle left trigger if button tap
   call   WriteEE            ;store state
   goto   Start

; initialize eeprom locations

   ORG   0x2100
   DE   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07

   END                       ; directive 'end of program'

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2009, 05:26:36 AM »
I can, but are you sure these are the fire rates you want???
you have fire rates set at:
#1===10.6 pulses per sec
#2===24pulses per sec
#3===7.6 pulses per sec
#4===5 pulses per sec

if you want to use cod5 the cap kicks in for anything over 8.33 which is 0x3c in hex. let me know what you are doing and I can compile it for you

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2009, 09:24:27 AM »
yeah i know, first mode is for halo, second for COD4, third is for GOW2/COD5 and the last one is...I just put it like that.

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2009, 09:51:31 AM »
I am not very familiar with rapid shar, but here is the link.
I used your fire rates, this is fairly slow for cod5 but its what you asked for

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2009, 10:01:39 AM »
Great thanks, could you compile this one for me too?

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2009, 10:30:17 AM »
here is your hex for burnmeup (sleeper)

try mine mode 3 for cod5 8.33 no cap burnmeup (sleeper)

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2009, 11:55:26 AM »
try mine mode 3 for cod5 8.33 no cap burnmeup (sleeper)
What pic is it for??

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2009, 04:05:39 PM »
What pic is it for??


Matt, the reason why I didn't put 0x3c is because I kept on getting capped right before I would finish a round, so that's why I put it a little slower. Also, could anyone help me with installing MPLAB IDE? I keep on getting an error. I've already posted a topic on microchip forums, but they don't have a clue what's going on  :dntknw: I run Windows XP SP3 so that may be a problem because MPLAB has only been tested on Windows XP SP2
« Last Edit: March 20, 2009, 04:49:11 PM by bluedog »

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2009, 06:58:59 AM »
What pic is it for??

this is havers code for the 12f683 3 and 4 moderapid fire..

blue, as for the install?? I dont know if I can help I would tell you to delete it from the computer and download it and install a new copy. I am running win xp sp3 never had anyprobs with mplab. you may need "port talk" for win pic, but not mplab??

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2009, 07:37:25 AM »
I've never had any problems with WinPic ever, but yeah I've already downloaded installed and redownloaded and installed but still no luck. Anybody got any alternative hex assemblers? Oh and about the 8.33 code, I tested it out on Call of Duty 5 and it worked great, but it's a little buggy and sputters a bit on Gears of War 2. So I tried out my code and it worked pretty good on both games.

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2009, 07:46:10 AM »
yea, i dont play gears, and thats the absolute fastest avail for each his own. sry about mplab..let me know if you got more .asm files to compile..its no biggy if its .asm takes about a minute on my pc

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2009, 11:02:30 AM »
alright thanks

Could you do this last one? I changed up the speeds a bit.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 12:04:25 PM by bluedog »

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2009, 09:23:00 AM »
alright thanks

Could you do this last one? I changed up the speeds a bit.

sory bud the wife had me busy all weekend, now your latest file is "invalid file" please double check the link and repost it..if you still need it compiled

or you can just tell me what file (gameplayrf  or  burn me up) and what fire rates you want set.

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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2009, 05:29:06 PM »
FIRERATE1      equ      0x2F
FIRERATE2      equ      0x12
FIRERATE3      equ      0x3C
FIRERATE4      equ      0x41


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Re: Compile hex?
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2009, 09:09:51 AM »
here ya go:

I would like to take a moment to say thanks agian to hazer for witing this code, your unselfish acts have touched the lives of many gamers across the world. I for one would like to extend my complete graditude.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 09:22:42 AM by modded matt »


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