Author Topic: ¿How to connect PS2 Dual Shock 2 controllers to the PSP using serial port?  (Read 23424 times)

Offline Kaos2K

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Hi! Im new here.  I have a proyect named "PSP Arcade Machine" wich consists in making a mini arcade cabinet using a PSP and an arcade controller por PS2 (This one) .

I know there is a gadget named PSP2TV who connects the FAT PSP to TV (feature i will not be using because i will use psp screen for the cabinet) and have a port for PS2 controllers. The problem is that the gadget is very expensive (90€) and opening the console is required (The gadget uses special PSP cases). See video here: install-psp2tv  (The main problem is that the gadget is expensive, not the part of opening console).

Searching the internet i found this other video: Serial Port PSP Dualshock Controller Test 2 of an user who connected a Dual Shock 2 using serial port in a non-destructive way to the PSP. That's exactly wha i was looking for. I want to know if there is a tutorial or something to do the same my myself or a store to buy already ensambled.

I sent the youtube's video guy a message but no answer. I think the user is user of this forum too with nickname Blizzrad

Any help would be appreciated :). Thanks
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 03:10:01 AM by Kaos2K »

Offline EliteGamer83

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I have seen that PSP2TV device quite some time ago on Youtube, but My personal opinion on the "PSP2TV" device is bulky and unseemly but non-the-less it is a cool concept. I don't recommend spending 90 E on it. It is also very expensive for as simple thing as that. Now if you want to acquire better soldering skills you can hard mod the PSP and solder to the ZIF connector. You can find this pinout information in the PSP Tutorials Section. I highly recommend you practice for many hours using an old PSP motherboard. This is also a skill you will need for various other mods using the PSP ZIF connector(s) on the motherboard. Once you bridge the pin's on the ZIF connector then you shall need to purchase a new Motherboard which can get pretty pricey.

That other video is Blizz's custom design, you will not be able to purchase the device or plans. You will also have some difficulty contacting him on this. I do not think he would share the plans with anyone else except for maybe a few select modding "legends" such as F00 or Ghost or Alien, all wonderful and highly skilled modders.

To use the Serial I/O port on the PSP you will need to learn some basic programming skills and the tools needed to flash your chip(s)/devices you are going to be using in synchronisim. I do not recommend this mods for a beginner, try doing some less complex mods to start off with such as LEDs, Case swaps, and Internal Mic. Then you could start doing much more complex LED setups like having several different modes to switch between. The point is All of us made mistakes when we first started out and it's natural, just have a lot of patience and be willing to just sit down and keep trying until you get it right.

I do not know if you're actually a electrical engineer or anything or have modding experience, but just assuming your new here most people would think your new to modding.

I look forward to see all the great modifications you will do to a PSP, then like everyone else here once you get more skilled in modding technology you will start to branch out and mod more complex things like Cell Phones, Computers, Next Gen Consoles, and much more!

If you are new to modding I would suggest these are the main tools you will need, most of them can be purchased online or at RadioShack if you live in the United States.

*Flux Paste (not necessary but very helpful)
*15-30 Watt Pencil Soldering Iron
*Lead-Solder, or Rosin Core Solder (Don't get Lead-Free)
*30-gauge Kynar wire preferably more then one color
*Small little tools to poke and prod with
*Precision Screw Driver (set)
*Box Cutter Knife
*Tweezers or jewelry pliers
*Metal File
*Dremel (Very useful tool you will find it very versatile when modding

Once you have the listed items above you should be ready to go modding almost anything.

Hope this helps you get started on your way to bigger and better mod's Just remember, that it may seem that the mods are not as cool when you start out like adding LEDs and case swaps, but it is a great place to start, then you will start to learn all the part's of the PSP and how everything works. It's much better to acquire this knowledge through hands-on then just reading about it. Now studying it online and reading on it is fine but you will see the huge difference it is when you actually look at where each part is and how small everything actually is. I know before I actually got a PSP and I was just reading up on everything I was thinking it isn't so hard, but when I got my first 0603 SMD LED I was shocked at how small it was. Now it's no big deal, so just remember to study the PSP for yourself not to just take what everyone else says for granted.

Just don't get discouraged if you post your idea for a new mod and you get bad feedback on it. Or someone tells you it's a waste of time. Mods are what you make it, not what other people tell you to make. 
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 08:31:11 AM by EliteGamer83 »

Offline Kaos2K

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Thanks for your words. I already have "little" experience with modding but i'm not an electrical engineer :). Im computer superior technician and the times i do a modding for one of my consoles, pc or gadgets were always "amateur" mode. Im not so skilled like people around here :).

I already have few of the tools you were talking about but not all (I need to buy a Dremel).

I'll let you know when i get some progress with my project :)

Thanks again :)

Offline Blazinkaos

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yea its Blizzrad hes not on a lot just give it some time and he will answer back to but idk if he shared the info to do that.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 12:10:48 PM by Blazinkaos »

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline Kaos2K

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yea its Blizzrad hes not on a lot just give it some time and he will answer back to but idk if he shared the info to do that.

Good. Thank you very much :). I hope he appears :)

Offline EliteGamer83

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Yes your best bet of getting a reply would be to email him but I don't think you will be able to get ahold of his email. Like Blazin said you will have a hard time contacting him. I am still shocked that he did that all by himself, he's a very smart man.

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If you want to message Blizzrad, the you'll get him very quickly on youtube. His account is, as you can tell from that video, and his last sign in was on the 13th April,  so I'm guessing you would get a response very shortly.

Good luck  :tup:
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 02:53:37 PM by pspupgrade »
It's the basics that bring us down.

Offline EliteGamer83

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A lot of modders just don't have time to respond to all these messages, I am guessing they get hundreds of messages a week on modding.

Offline GhoSt

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firstly elite, dude wth, Im not a modding leagand. Never will be or consider myself one.
Secondaly, blizzard is not the first to do this mod. If you trawled the posts in this site, you will come across the name of gr8npwrfl, he covered much of the ground on the no mod psp joystick, I recomend reading his thread here, It will really help you understand how this works.

Basicaly as I understand it (correct me if I am wrong) but gr8npwrfl used a stock psp, with cfw and a modifyed version of pikey. By using a pic microcontroller that he wrote code for, he could process the signals being put into it eg. ps2 controller. and output into the psp sio port, in such a way, that the psp can read them. Then the modifyed version of pickey uses those signals to do something usefull with the psp, in this case, controll it.

Alein or Blizzard would be your highest posibility of finding something out about this, both have a vast knowledge on this subject. Also I suspect they do not like to be bothered by us nubs asking noobish questions as we all do, so really your best chance is going to be waiting till something is realesed, if ever...

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Offline EliteGamer83

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UGH!!! did you give me a - for trying to complement you!? I don't deserve -21! I make all good posts what have I done do deserve all these-'s?!  :cry2:

sorry nevermind that just had to vent that... wait too late you will probably give me another - for this post, I'm waiting to see a -22

Your best bet is to learn electronics and come up with your own plans and take bits and pieces of info on the internet and sort of scrap together your own plans for this project.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 08:08:28 PM by EliteGamer83 »

Offline Blazinkaos

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idk ghost he showed this mod way back before it was finished he does like talk here and there. i didnt even ask him about this mod i was asking bout the first one he did and he helped me with some answers so idk if was lucky or he was having good day but he talked to me.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline EliteGamer83

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Yeah if you wanted some info it would be best if someone he knew like a friend asked him, I doubt (no offense) but I doubt he would even bother to answer a noob.

Offline Blazinkaos

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you never know

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Yeah if you wanted some info it would be best if someone he knew like a friend asked him, I doubt (no offense) but I doubt he would even bother to answer a noob.
Well, the best thing to do is to not look like a noob (as in saying things like "hey there" and not saying "??????"). Then he's more likely to respond.
 I keep on getting all of these questions from people because of my youtube account, and I don't answer any questions any more unless they aren't nooby. Especially when I've already been asked the same question 20 times and have already posted a detailed guide up and pointed them to that guide.
  That information must be somewhere.
It's the basics that bring us down.

Offline Blazinkaos

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 :wacko: i kno how u feel man its mind hurting getting all those

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline Kaos2K

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UGH!!! did you give me a - for trying to complement you!? I don't deserve -21! I make all good posts what have I done do deserve all these-'s?!  :cry2:

is that a question for me? I didnt give you any negative feedback, at least on purpose :P.

Well,then i think that the best strategy is to wait for the modder to reply (if he wants to reply ofcourse) or wait for him to reveal all the documentation to the community in an "official" way. Anyway im putting the project "on hold".

Meanwhile i want to "consolize" an MVS arcade board, i have all the necessary things but i miss a Dremel tool to make the "holes" for the controller ports in the plastic case i will use. What Dremel model you recommend me to cut plastic things?. One cheap please :P

P.D: I will make a thread with this new project. It's a very amateur one so don't kill me hahaha :P

Offline Blizzrad

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Sorry guys, I don't log in here all that often, and I usually only log in to youtube when I need to post or edit a video. Sometimes there may be a substantial delay before I receive a message that has been sent, though I very rarely receive any messages at either of these sites so it usually is not a problem.

First, just to clear up a couple misconceptions, I have no reluctance to share any of this information with whomever might find it useful, the hardware is briefly outlined in the video description, and the AVR microcontroller source code for reading data from the Ps2 controller I have posted here. I definitely do not have vast knowledge of any subject, especially when it comes to something as complex as electronics or computer programming, in which my level of understanding is very minimal. I'm just like any other guy poking around inside electronics in an attempt to understand more about how they work. In short, I too am a "noob."

Typically I work through projects on my own, and if I think I have something which might be of interest to others, I post it somewhere on the internet. I haven't posted anything about this project here for a couple reasons, neither of which have anything to do with wanting to keep it a secret. One, this isn't a software development forum, or really even a hardware development forum, so starting a project thread here wouldn't make much sense. Secondly, given my own tendency to jump around between projects, I didn't want to create any expectations that progress would be made according to some kind of schedule, or made at all. There have been plenty of threads before which start out with bold plans for a new project, only to end being abandoned several pages into it and leaving a lot of people disappointed.

I am certainly not the first person to play around with serial input devices for the PSP, nor was gr8npwrfl or anyone on this site to my knowledge. Research for this goes back years and can be seen in threads at dating back to at least 2005. It is only thanks to the hard work of many people that details are even known about the SIO port, and that software exists to work with it. The project gr8npwrfl was planning was something similar, but completely separate from this. His plans were much more ambitious and would have used a USB capable microcontroller to work with a variety of USB input devices, though the project seems to have been abandoned before much progress was made.

The purpose of my video was primarily to demonstrate the hardware. The video shows that the microcontroller and Ps2 controller can be powered directly from the SIO port by building a simple circuit to boost the supply voltage, the microcontroller firmware allows for full decoding of the Ps2 controller button/joystick data outside of the PSP, and the microcontroller can send this data through the PSP SIO port in the required format to be interpreted by software for whatever purpose. The video is not meant to imply that everything is ready to be used for gaming. This is why the word "test" is part of the title, and why I stated "This project is still in the early stages" and "Lots of software work still remains" in the description.

So what is the current status of this project? The hardware was pretty much finished. Apart from some minor tweaks to the AVR firmware, nothing much would need to be done on that end. It is the software on the PSP side which still needs work to give the buttons proper responsiveness to be suitable for games. For the section of the video showing xmb navigation, PIkey is used with a SIO plugin written by Jean at ps2dev for the open keyboard project. The dualshock test app is something I sloppily threw together just to demonstrate that all of the hardware could communicate properly, but it doesn't demonstrate any button remapping. My intention for making this demo was to post a thread at ps2dev and see if anyone else was interested in the idea. Projects like this typically turn out much better (and get completed much faster) when more than one person is working on them, particularly if that one person is as terrible a programmer as I am. I never got around to starting the thread though, and apart from occasionally scrolling through the PIkey source code trying to make sense of it, I haven't been working on this at all lately (though that is not to say I have abandoned the idea). This post is turning into a  great wall of text so I will end it here for now, if anyone needs to quote from this post please only quote the relevant section and not the whole post, as that would bloat the thread considerably.

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WOW! hey blizzrad! been awhile.

Lol I read everything you said and clicked your links, I have a basic understanding of what you did but If I were to attempt the project I have no idea here to start.

I might be able to figure out the hardware but I am going to have alot of software problems... would you happen to have the "code" that you flashed your chip with?

I found the PS2 controller pinout awhile ago same one as your link but what actually needs to go in between the PS3 controller and the PSP serial plug, lol just throw in some resistor and a LED and call it a project.

Great post dude, almost as long as mine lol.

You have no idea how much I am dying to do this project, I'd choose this if I could get it working then to buy a lot of PSP slims for $10. Lol this is like my greatest PSP modding dream project. Man I hope I can do it  :boxed:
« Last Edit: April 18, 2009, 06:54:20 AM by EliteGamer83 »

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If you want to do any research on the topic, this guide and the articles linked to therein document the protocol and packet transfers in their entirety.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2009, 08:51:52 AM by Alien_X »

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Thanks for your answer Blizzrad :). Anyway i'll put the project on hold.

By the way, i already purchased a Dremel (99,95€). There it is:

And there is a pic with all the stuff i'll use to consolize de MVS Arcade Board :).

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i knew he would come along soon enough. i want to try that so bad but i havent got around the first one he did yet. but good info it would help and that for this

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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i knew he would come along soon enough. i want to try that so bad but i havent got around the first one he did yet. but good info it would help and that for this

Yeah I still have no idea how he did it, I mean I know the pinout of the PS2 but that doesnt really help...

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did u look at that link he posted.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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did u look at that link he posted.

o Yah forgot, I'm making a diagram right now.

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making a diagram of that u sure you know what ur doing

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Well I am gonna show you guys, what is the PSP serial port info? I lost that one site that had the pinout.

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oh ok i c

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline EliteGamer83

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Would a capacitor go on pin: 3?

Also how much voltage can the PSP serial port take/use? the red wire on pin: 5 on the DSC is 3v.

Lol sorry 1 more question, where do I incorporate the PIC?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2009, 02:01:03 PM by EliteGamer83 »

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What are you making a diagram about?

I really should let blizzrad answer this, since it is his mod, but since his activity is fairly low I guess it will be okay for me to do so.

Are you talking about decoupling the microphone input to audio ground - if so that isn't necessary.
The yellow wire on the serial port is 2.5v, and dualshocks can run on 3.3 minimum, so that is where the max756 boost circuit comes into play.

See the document here for more info -

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elite is this the pinout you were wanting.
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