Author Topic: Gran Turismo: PSP review  (Read 1790 times)

Offline n00b_MoDdEr

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Gran Turismo: PSP review
« on: February 23, 2010, 07:09:40 PM »
so i recently bought a new copy of Gran Turismo: PSP, and i have to say one thing:best graphics racing game for PSP as far as i know!! The physics are amazing, to the extent of shear realisticnis(new word yay)where you fly off the track if your going above 75. The car customization is iffy, and you can only favorite about 30 cars, which means you can only customize 30...simple as that. There is a  :censored: load of cars you can unlock, but most of them are not super cars or sports cars. The racing courses are also has a wide variaty of venues, including my hometown, Seattle. Other venues include new york, Tokyo, somewhere i cant remember, and lots of other loops and tracks. The majority of the venues are on racing courses, not street levels. there are challenges that you do which keep you playing for a while, and also give you credits. Now the credits! you need to EARN the credits(of course), which let you buy(yes, i said BUY) cars! these cars aren't cheap either! the most expensive car is 5 million credits!! and 2 laps around an oval is about...10K? That's hell a lot of racing!but im just gona stick to the chase...the game is perfect for those who like long lasting games, and intense racing on the psp.
DO NOT let the online pictures fool you about the graphics!!!

my overall rating: 9.5/10

did i fail to mention theres over 500 cars?

DON'T touch the paint, 99.9% of the time, it is still drying


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