Hello fellow acidmodders it has come to my attention and requested by some acidmodders that a tutorial on how to join the BST group be made. It is very simple and here are some simple steps on how to join.
step one: first off you need to read the rules that are located in the BST of the site
Step 2: After reading through the rules please reply saying accept, failure to do so can resualt in removal from the group.
step 3: After reading through the rules, you can click on the link at the bottom of the page this will take you to your group membership page. This makes it easier for you to locate the page. The link is highlited here
step 4 and the final step: upon clicking the link it will bring you to your group memberships. At this screen you can request access into the group. After you have been accepted Just post accept in the rules thread. And that is all that is needed to be done.
After you requested membership it can take a minute-6 hours of your acceptence depending on when a admin or myself are online.
I hope this helped.
*as a reminder to the members of Acidmods, this is not the thread to post accept in upon accepting the terms.*