Author Topic: Led Display monitor in xbox controller?  (Read 5275 times)

Offline eNeRGy

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Led Display monitor in xbox controller?
« on: August 06, 2010, 10:56:04 AM »
If this is in wrong section please move it.

I was wondering is you could hook up LED display in a controller and edit a code that way instead of blinking the 4th player led it will show a number of the mode on the display.  This would be a great mod to install into a controller and it possibly could shorten the code for the mod.
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Re: Led Display monitor in xbox controller?
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2010, 11:33:31 AM »
no this is in the right place... and im pretty sure us in the rnd team have though bout it before..... but not though it to be practecal as u'd need a whole new rf code or evan a second check to convert the staandard blinking lights to a digital display... its one of the many many projects and ideas we have in the private staff RnD area..... maybe this winter when the team is back in full force we'll ava crack at it....

what do ya think team>?????

Sigs made by Ken and blazin from the AM Art team cheers guys.....
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Offline eNeRGy

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Re: Led Display monitor in xbox controller?
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2010, 12:49:56 PM »
That sounds good because some of the Mods I have tried on other sites and such have had the blinking led go over by 1 blink so it looks like you are in mode 4 instead of 3.
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Offline DubbedTheBeast

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Re: Led Display monitor in xbox controller?
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2010, 10:18:48 PM »
i have a book of circuits that happens to have an 7 segment LED display circuit. i will scan if for you guys tomorrow if i remember but these things are pretty standard and you should be able to find it with google. basically instead of having your indicator wires leading from your 555 to the LED on the ring, you would simply lead it to your timing reading circuits. this will of course take much more space in your controller though.

to do it you will need a 7-segment LED display, 7490 or 74LS90 and 7448 or 74LS48. now i say or because they will perform the same task but you will need to wire it to reset each time you change your mode or it will give a false mode indication.

in all it may be better to drill some holes in the top of your controller for some small LEDs in a row to should which mode in a sort of tally mark because of the space this will take in your controller.

Post Merge: August 16, 2010, 10:29:49 PM
i found this after looking for a circuit on google but it uses a 4511 to decode the binary into a display. it does not use a counter but switches to manually create a number. to make this work in your RF mod you will need to have a counter to create a binary number for a decoder to create a display.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 10:29:49 PM by DubbedTheBeast »

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Re: Led Display monitor in xbox controller?
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2010, 12:59:34 AM »
i have a book of circuits that happens to have an 7 segment LED display circuit. i will scan if for you guys tomorrow if i remember but these things are pretty standard and you should be able to find it with google. basically instead of having your indicator wires leading from your 555 to the LED on the ring, you would simply lead it to your timing reading circuits. this will of course take much more space in your controller though.

to do it you will need a 7-segment LED display, 7490 or 74LS90 and 7448 or 74LS48. now i say or because they will perform the same task but you will need to wire it to reset each time you change your mode or it will give a false mode indication.

in all it may be better to drill some holes in the top of your controller for some small LEDs in a row to should which mode in a sort of tally mark because of the space this will take in your controller.

Post Merge: August 16, 2010, 10:29:49 PM
i found this after looking for a circuit on google but it uses a 4511 to decode the binary into a display. it does not use a counter but switches to manually create a number. to make this work in your RF mod you will need to have a counter to create a binary number for a decoder to create a display.

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Re: Led Display monitor in xbox controller?
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2010, 04:11:55 PM »
okay so here it is. to make this work correctly you will need your 555 from your rf mod to send a binary code to the counter so that it will display a number. so basically you will need to either reprogram the 555 or have a new one made for you to see the number you are looking for. it will not work by counting flashes that would normally indicate the mode you are in with most programmed rapid fire mods out there.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 04:12:54 PM by DubbedTheBeast »

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Re: Led Display monitor in xbox controller?
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2010, 05:10:43 PM »
the 74LS90 is just a Binary ripple counter and you have to serially load clock pulses into the chip.

the 74XX series ICs are TTL which requires 4 Volts to power AND theres no Parallel load in feature.

There is a CMOS Version of the 74LS90 "Ripple Counter" called the 4029B and it has a Binary Up Count and Binary Down Count feature.

There is a 4-bit Parallel load input preset (preset certain Binary values at certain events).

There is also a RESET feature to reset to binary 0.

However if using a PIC you can just tie 7 outputs from a PIC to a 7-segment display to output modes directly BUT you will need a larger chip. Plus if you are going to use the 4029B and the 4511B you will need space for 3 ICs that may not fit inside the controller

So in the long run you should just program a 16-pin PIC to run 7 Outputs designated to drive the 7-segment display to show your mode. Its not that hard IMO, I never really worked with programmable chips but having 3 ICs in a controller without sacrificing rumble motors is just impossible. I'm not saying the mod is hard, its absolutely not, there is just not enough room.

CMOS ICs run on low voltages like the wireless xbox360 controller's battery(2.5 Volts or higher).

TTL runs on higher voltages 4.2 volts or higher.

If you really want to tackle this mod i can draw you up a schematic, but those ICs won't come cheap since they are really well made but be careful that CMOS is static electricity sensitive.

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Offline eNeRGy

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Re: Led Display monitor in xbox controller?
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2010, 06:06:06 PM »
What we need to figure out is one supplying a constant powersource to the display. That should be quite easy. Two figuring out how to connect the led blinking wires of mods to the display's chip so that when it has 4 pulses go through it, it changes the display to show the number 4.
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Re: Led Display monitor in xbox controller?
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2010, 07:32:39 PM »
i did say before that this will take too much space to be usable, so in all its just not practical to try and fit it inside of your controller.

on the other hand it is possible to have a controller use indicator lights separate from the ROL to represent a mode without taking large amounts of space. i think i may have a blueprint for that too but im not sure.

unless someone could find a way to put the RF mod and the display on the same chip this simply will not work.

Post Merge: August 17, 2010, 07:40:08 PM
on the other hand it is possible to have a controller use indicator lights separate from the ROL to represent a mode without taking large amounts of space. i think i may have a blueprint for that too but im not sure.

after looking i can see that i don't have a circuit drawing to help with this.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 07:40:08 PM by DubbedTheBeast »

Offline FOOKz™

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Re: Led Display monitor in xbox controller?
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2010, 06:28:58 AM »
I'm ordering a PIC programmer soon and i will see what kind of chips are available that have more I/O pins to hook that 7-segment display up.

normal rapid fire chips are 12F683 if i remember... im not sure. So if we take a chip that has more than 8 pins... say 14 pins... you are able to use those extra outputs for the display. Yes you have to reprogram it for new code but hey thats ok.

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Re: Led Display monitor in xbox controller?
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2010, 01:55:14 PM »
as fooks just said our best bet to do this is ... with a larger pic chip that combines rapidfire and dispay...... instead of one or two led output (as in the usual pic 12f683 rapid fire we'd have several to have a row of leds that light up 1 after another... or several I/O dedicated to a small 7 segment dispay (the small the better.....

... but to do this we'd need some who can code in preferably C++ and is willing to write this code test this code buy the components to test the code and then release it open source..... .... SOOOOOO t0p, or any other coders on AM or in the AM RnD team areu up for this??? if so lets talk seriouly.......

fingers crossed i start learn C++ soon so i can crack out some codes that i have ideas for.... but untill then ....... welll... we'll see....

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Offline DubbedTheBeast

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Re: Led Display monitor in xbox controller?
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2010, 04:53:33 PM »
well making a row of LEDs light in sequence for which mode your in would be easy. to do it you program the pic to put out different voltage levels to indicate the mode you are in. after that wire up a voltage indicator circuit with as many modes you are in and use the proper components to make it work correctly. that circuit could be fit in the top half of your shell easily.

now what i didn't right in the text box is that if you want more lights you simply add another row, this is just and example of a 3 light indicator.


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