Author Topic: Evidence indicates Thursday Feb 24th release for new MacBook Pro Lineup  (Read 1381 times)

Offline HiddenVenom

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That's right, you read the title correctly. Several sources indicate that an imminent release of the new MacBook Pro is looming upon us. Italian sources leaked parts numbers the morning for five models.

This is supported by lagging sales, and the stop of production that has led to shortages at Best Buy, the lack of availability and long postal time on Apple's site, not to mention the huge delays in repairs.

We can expect the death of the Core 2 Duo almost for certain, as well as a bigger focus on solid-state drives.

There have been several other rumours floating around, such as that the 13 inch model will be withdrawn, and that the lower models will sacrifice graphics for processing power.

If you're planning on buying a MacBook this week, don't! It's definitely worth the wait as everything begins to build up this week.

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