Author Topic: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(  (Read 5570 times)

Offline cyberboy109

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Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« on: March 07, 2011, 07:37:04 AM »
Because of the increase of games consoles being hacked for Piracy, games company are now having to spend more money on security to stop there games being copyed so in the next few months games for all consoles could see an increase of £6+ to help pay the cost.

So if this happens may i just say a big THANK YOU to all you @@@@@@@@@ who think its amazing that you can download/copy a game with out buying it and ruining it for the rest of us...

I got my info from a friend who works for rockstar north

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2011, 07:52:10 AM »
yes i had this awhile ago from game and gamestation this will bring a new patch for systems hope its not a console breaker

i agree thx to the lazy ass d*ck heads that dont want to pay for sh*t we have to pay more 39.99 is alot to someone without a job now with the rise dont think new games will be a biggy for most
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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2011, 08:02:13 AM »
I think every time I play a game that is crap, I'm going to send a letter to the publisher demanding a refund.

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2011, 08:11:20 AM »
I think every time I play a game that is crap, I'm going to send a letter to the publisher demanding a refund.

alot did this on black ops not sure if they got it back but most people say they did but on this i look the game up alot before buying
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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2011, 09:41:05 AM »
well i can borrow games from work so i guess its not that big of a deal except in rare cases.

Offline jrfhoutx

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2011, 10:08:20 AM »
I think every time I play a game that is crap, I'm going to send a letter to the publisher demanding a refund.

tell em you want a refund and if they're willing then you're more than willing to send them their POS game back to them lol

if you're pissed about piracy then stop promoting drive flashing (etc.) and helping people to do it (not saying that you specifically do that stuff). Make the backup argument all you want, but the majority of people don't backup their own games they just use it to pirate games, and there's just no way to police who is using it legitimately and who isn't. if you ask me they could nullify the backup argument if they offered a trade in program. notify the publisher that your disc doesn't work anymore, they have you send it in (with proof of purchase of course), they check it and if it doesn't work then they send you a new one that does work and destroy the old one that doesn't. besides it's not like they can argue that that would be too expensive, we all know how much discs cost and I'm sure they're losing far more to piracy than they would in expenses to replace damaged discs...
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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2011, 12:00:56 PM »
I like how some of you guys are :censored:ing about them raising prices due to piracy.....They are more than likely using piracy as an excuse to raise the cost on games. Sony/Microsoft are nothing but price gouging douche bags and so are the companies making the games. Yes face it!! you are part of a modding site!!! i guarantee you half the people on this sites are pirates of some sort. You guys cant tell me you have never downloaded anything before such as games, movies, software, music, etc..... Im glad their raising the price because its just gonna promote hackers like ourselves to get back at them even more. So please don't get on here and :censored: about pirates on a modding site when you are most likely a pirate yourself in some sort of way.

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2011, 12:16:56 PM »
If they do that its just going to increase piracy because, they will always figure out a way around it and with the added cost its going to make it where people don't want to pay the extra costs including the original costs.

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2011, 12:39:44 PM »
If they do that its just going to increase piracy because, they will always figure out a way around it and with the added cost its going to make it where people don't want to pay the extra costs including the original costs.

IMO it wont make a difference what the price of games are the people who actually do the hacking do it for the challenge not the piracy, although actually it will probably increase the number of people using these hacks now i come to think about it..

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2011, 01:23:53 PM »
I do not pirate anything tbh (i'm not saying I never have, but I do not now and have not for many years), and I am a member of a modding site, not a piracy site. hacking, modding and piracy are not the same and one does not have to endorse or support the others. I pay for my games or I don't play them. I will agree that piracy does not make as big a dent in profits as game, music and movie companies purport, and the majority of gamers do actually purchase their games, however it does affect the market, to claim otherwise is BS. I don't like the price of games anymore than anyone else, but that doesn't change the fact that companies should be paid for their product. should they charge as much as they do? i don't think so, but considering inflation rates and the price of games when I started gaming ($50+ for a NES cart), i would say that we are still getting a pretty damn good deal considering the actual price hasn't changed much in 20+ years.

Regardless of the legitimacy of using piracy as a reason to raise game prices, as long as there is piracy the excuse will be used, and as long as it is illegal (which it always will be) companies will use it and 'losses' due to it as reason to raise prices. however raising the prices will simply make it more prolific and eventually more and more companies will fold (be it from losses due to piracy or losses due to lower sales because of pricing) making there fewer of them out there producing games. it's a vicious cycle and one that i refuse to participate in by condoning or using piracy.

say what you want, but regardless of how, it hurts the gaming industry.
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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2011, 02:16:40 PM »
Lol jr you are taking my comment the wrong way. I never said that piracy is right. But this site does somewhat promote extreme firmware and the tools to be able to play pirated material..... And yes your are 100% correct that modding and piracy are two completely different subjects. As you said yourself, sometime in your life you committed a piracy crime, and that's another point i was getting at. At no time will piracy ever be legal but as I said before, somewhere along the lines people have downloaded pirated material. And to get on a site where I can almost guarantee that everybody has had a part in piracy and :censored: about prices of games going up due to :censored: pirates confuses me. I do think that companies charge waaayyy to much for games. And that's not because im broke, I Just think $60 plus tax is a :censored:ing rip off.

I will say it again PIRACY IS NOT RIGHT and I never said it was.

Offline cyberboy109

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2011, 03:46:04 PM »
I like how some of you guys are :censored:ing about them raising prices due to piracy.....They are more than likely using piracy as an excuse to raise the cost on games. Sony/Microsoft are nothing but price gouging douche bags and so are the companies making the games. Yes face it!! you are part of a modding site!!! i guarantee you half the people on this sites are pirates of some sort. You guys cant tell me you have never downloaded anything before such as games, movies, software, music, etc..... Im glad their raising the price because its just gonna promote hackers like ourselves to get back at them even more. So please don't get on here and :censored: about pirates on a modding site when you are most likely a pirate yourself in some sort of way.

Actually this has nothing to do with microsoft or sony this is from a game company, talking to my mate he says becuase of an increase or piracy some companys have had to let some staff go and reduce wages in certian departments and even studios closing down,
so to increase security plus develope a game they must up the price....but at the same time he and rock star are not against homebrew  as some times the best games start of as homebrew just a pity sony and microsoft dont support it.
and no i have never ever downloaded a movie or game

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2011, 03:56:16 PM »
It is pretty sad they have to let people go due to piracy. I think piracy is wrong and im not denying that i have not been a pirate myself. But i bet the people that work for the companies are pirates also. I have talked to people that work for microsoft that have ixtreme firmware and play pirated material. Its just gonna be a never ending battle. I just dont see the point in companies raising the prices because cause piracy is always gonna be around. Sorry if i offended anybody in my comments. I just dont think piracy is be the #1 excuse for price gouging.

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2011, 04:45:38 PM »
Not that I don't care or anything but I say the game companies should let it happen OR the gaming companies should hire those hackers automatically and use those people for their own business hahaha.

Pass the word around to other companies to incorporate security patches.

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2011, 04:57:09 PM »
this is typical propaganda BS... im not saying your source is not credible as he may very well be, but I am saying his source is not.  Its funny how a video game can have the largest release of any type of media with litterally millions of copys being sold within weeks... you know good games that people want to play.  Enter now the company who thinks that they can just throw money at something and hire tons of develpers and miss that blockbuster mark that the sales people sold to the investors.  Its pretty clear when that happens and I assume it is sales and administration who would like to blame that on someone else, and they do time and time again using inflated numbers of piracy.  Anyone see a link to the music industry and burning CDs or making mix tapes? what about renting movies or borrowing a friends media?  Do you shame your friends who a CD into buying a copy of said album?  Looks like the the music industry has already adapted to the same problem and the only people crying are the ones who's music didnt sell, it wasnt your little sister making a mix tape that didnt sell the album, it was the product.

Game studios will blame their inadequecies on anyone or anything they can, its human nature to not own up to a failure.  In 2010 I bought 3 games: Blur, COD:BLOPS, and Just Dance 2 (for the little lady).   That is probably a quarter of my yearly gaming purchases for the precvious 10 years running, you know why? because games suck, they are produced with the idea that they are licenses to print money, and not what they are, a game.  Game studios are selling the coolaide and investors are buying it, and guess what happens when you dont produce a Halo 2 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare or Grand theft Auto 3.... people get fired!  The pencil pushers oversell a product that cant be garanteed to be a hit.   Now I know a lot of time and money went into the games I listed, however the difference between them and the :censored:storm of crap we have been seeing is that those games wildly surpassed anyones expectations on volume of both sales and fun and were not produced with the intention of printing money, rather making a good product that people want to buy.

These developers refuse to believe that it is their game and sales teams that are not meeting their "projected" numbers, and anyone who has anything to lose will look for a scapegoat; cue the pirates.  I agree pirates hurt their bottom dollar, however these piracy numbers are absolute garbage, they value every illegally burned copy of the game as a sale that was stolen.   Some  of the people who burned the game might have actually ponyied up the $60 for that game if the option to pirate it did not exists.  The problem with their numbers lies within the fact that an extreme majority of pirates would not even fart in the direction of these games if they could not access them for free.  These numbers also neglect to talk about the fact that one kid in middle school who burns an illegal copy and in turn ends up  selling 15 legal copies of that game through exposing his friends to it or giving it his positve review. 

wait chives,,, you mean piracy can promote sales? yes it can, however as a lot of developers are noticing that if your game sucks, this exposure will lose you just as many sales because a pirates opinion may sway any number of people not to buy it.  its called survival of the fittest and the moral of the story is if you want to empl0y 100 developers you better make damn sure that you have a product that can support that, and guess what a $60 video game doesnt support 100 developers 99/100 times.

Dont want to get laid off? tell the CEO to stop expanding and trying to meet rediculous growth goals.  tell your buddy from me: welcome to corporate america.... I wish I could blame Iraq and afganistan for not being violent enought to sustain federal spending that would have saved my job too, but being reality based I understand that the higher ups just set there sights too high and did not fully understand the market cycles.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 05:09:22 PM by 802Chives »

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2011, 05:46:00 PM »
yes piracy can promote and improve sales, and yes pirates opinions can push games one way or the other, yes many of those people would have never played the game if piracy didn't exist, but there are just as many legit ways to promote a game and get people to buy it. 20 years ago when it wasn't so easy to pirate anything you got your info from someone who had the product, a magazine review, or from experiencing it at a store kiosk (I remember spending hours at a time standing in front of store kiosks to try out a new game, often waiting in line for my turn to play). the thing is though that 20 years ago piracy wasn't so easy. the ease of it now and the low expense to get involved in doing it (combined with the crap business models and products produced) is what has made it grow to what it is. Music, movies and games sold plenty prior to widespread piracy (and there was just as much crappy product then as there is now) and it was because people who legitimately bought the game gave it that same 'stellar review'. but it goes both ways, just because a pirate gives it a good review doesn't mean people are going to rush out and buy the game, more than likely they'll follow his lead and pirate it.

I totally agree that the game companies (just like music and movies and most of greedy corporate america) have killed their own industry; unrealistic sales and growth expectations and retarded staff numbers seriously hurt potential profits. when a game sells big they all want a piece of the pie, hence why there are so many imitation games floating around (and yes once in a while you have a guitar hero/rock band situation where the originator gets shut out by the new innovator because they refuse to update their failing model), but those are few and far between), but more often than not the imitations suck, hence why they have poor sales and rarely last long. I will definitely agree that the majority of games don't sell well because they're :censored:, not because they're pirated, but the attitude today has become "well that's :censored:, I'm not gonna pay for that... but I still want it, so I'll just download it..."

But again to say that piracy has no negative impact is BS. do I believe it's as bad as it's made out to be? no, I agree that the numbers are misleading and that not every pirated copy is a lost sale, but the impact is there; and I really don't buy the argument that it's positive impact is that big either (I'll agree that it can have a positive impact, but I think that just like the propaganda that companies spew to garner support for stopping piracy, it's propaganda on the part of pirates. Yes I've seen the music industry reports and the independent research reports, but I still think that both sides are full of :censored:.).

Just like the movie and music industry, the game industry needs to reevaluate it's outdated and failing marketing and business models. due to the insanely flooded market full of crap out there and having no way of knowing if what you buy is going to be any good and no recourse to get your money back if it is :censored: (other than to take the ridiculous hit in the wallet by selling it to gamestop), no one wants to blind buy anymore (this is my absolute biggest complaint about Apple's app store).

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2011, 08:06:16 PM »
I am sick of people blaming stuff on the game studios, they have nothing to do with the prices their games (and add-ons) are sold for, most of the time they barely even receive royalties for them. Blame the publishers, their goal is "to take the fun out of game making"Activision CEO. Prices rising have nothing to do with piracy, the video game market is thriving, publishers get greedy.
In case you were wondering, no I don't pirate games, I myself own stacks of all legal games.
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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2011, 06:29:17 AM »
by no means am I pro piracy, I fully understand that piracy impacts the industry negatively.  I do not pirate and havnt since I was a teen and napster was all the rage, but even then I understood it was wrong.

All the developers need to know is this BS :censored:storm of mediocre software is going to stop... the rules have changed just like every industry in the history of the world.... and I guess what makes me rage about this that the people in this industry think they can blame their own shortcomings on someone else and if you go through life like that then you deserve to fail rather then adapt.... and raising prices is not adapting it is a copout and prolonging the inevitable truth that game companies need to change or die.

if they really want to put the blame somewhere then put it on the companys like activision or EA who gobbles up all the small developers and wallstreet who employs the grow or die ponzi type scheme of business.   The OP also hit a chord with me when he suggested this came from a rockstar employee,  I thought rockstar was a great developer when they hit the mainstream, their games were original and the sandbox type of play was innovative.... that was 10 years ago and what a dissapointment they have turned into because the innovations stopped and the money printing started.  they consistantly produce good games but for me GTA4 would have been one of those games I would have sent in for a refund because I already played it the first 3 times on the PS2.

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2011, 08:04:15 AM »
I thought rockstar was a great developer when they hit the mainstream, their games were original and the sandbox type of play was innovative.... that was 10 years ago and what a dissapointment they have turned into because the innovations stopped and the money printing started.  they consistantly produce good games but for me GTA4 would have been one of those games I would have sent in for a refund because I already played it the first 3 times on the PS2.

Isn't that the truth... that's the first GTA i never finished playing and the first one I really wish I hadn't bought...
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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2011, 08:02:50 AM »
I like how some of you guys are :censored:ing about them raising prices due to piracy.....They are more than likely using piracy as an excuse to raise the cost on games. Sony/Microsoft are nothing but price gouging douche bags and so are the companies making the games. Yes face it!! you are part of a modding site!!! i guarantee you half the people on this sites are pirates of some sort. You guys cant tell me you have never downloaded anything before such as games, movies, software, music, etc..... Im glad their raising the price because its just gonna promote hackers like ourselves to get back at them even more. So please don't get on here and :censored: about pirates on a modding site when you are most likely a pirate yourself in some sort of way.

I agree, everyone on this site has downloaded something for modding . or somewhere else. EYE EYE MATIE...lmao

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2011, 02:08:10 AM »
actually I can say hand on heart i have never copyied a game or downloaded a film or even a music track....the games I download are all homebrew, music i download is from itunes or amazon or some other music based site......Im one of thoose folk folk who like to have the actual product in my hands.....

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2011, 04:15:22 AM »
This is all I'm going to say.

Game prices don't go up because of pirates, tech is just more expensive.

Considering inflation since that era, and that the game consoles have evolved 16 fold, I'm not surprised that games on BluRay are more expensive than cartridge based N64 games and DVD PS2 games.

The capacity of games has grown exponentially in the last 10 years, and the cost will only do the same.

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2011, 10:04:12 AM »
FML here we go again...   :P

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Re: Game prices to get higher in the next few months :(
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2011, 10:09:21 AM »
BRB gonna go get some popcorn then sit back and watch you guys. BRB

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