Author Topic: ps3 update now avilable 3.61  (Read 5936 times)

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ps3 update now avilable 3.61
« on: May 14, 2011, 04:07:19 PM »
{quote from psn blog} We have been working on a new PS3 system software update that requires all PSN users to change their password once PlayStation Network is restored. The update (v3.61) is mandatory and is available now.

If using a PS3, your password can only be changed on your own PS3 (or a PS3 on which your PSN account was activated), as an added layer of security. If you have never downloaded any content using your account on the system, an email will be sent to the registered sign-in ID (email address) associated with your account when you first attempt to sign-in to PSN. This e-mail will contain a link that will enable you to change your password. In this email, click on the link and follow the instructions to change your password. Once you have changed your password you can sign-in to your account using your new password.

We strongly recommend that all PSN account holders with PS3s update their systems to prepare for when PlayStation Network is back online. The release of this update is a critical step as we work to make PlayStation Network significantly more secure. Thank you for your continued support and patience.
See Also
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 04:07:54 PM by toadzilla »

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Re: ps3 update now avilable 3.61
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2011, 11:14:44 PM »
Does anyone know what 3.61 actually entails? Is it ONLY security stuffs, or is there extra sneaky Sony stuffs in there too? 180 megs is a lot of something for sure...

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Re: ps3 update now avilable 3.61
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2011, 11:27:26 PM »
Does anyone know what 3.61 actually entails? Is it ONLY security stuffs, or is there extra sneaky Sony stuffs in there too? 180 megs is a lot of something for sure...


And it is highly unlikely that anything specific will be released about it either. Think about it, Sony will not reveal any new tricks they may have up there sleeves. Justly so if I might add. They can easily hide behind customer information security being the highest priority.


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Re: ps3 update now avilable 3.61
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2011, 12:12:49 AM »

And it is highly unlikely that anything specific will be released about it either. Think about it, Sony will not reveal any new tricks they may have up there sleeves. Justly so if I might add. They can easily hide behind customer information security being the highest priority.

i think what he means is cross gaming or sumstuff but the only thing i know of is it entitles u to change ur pw when your first login the network is partially back up in my area online play and it required me to change my pw when first logging on searching though the menus i didn't notice anything new
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 12:13:17 AM by toadzilla »

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Re: ps3 update now avilable 3.61
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2011, 05:47:28 AM »
thats lame. Is that Quiroe (?) city thing on the PS3? Cuz im thinkin of buying one.

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Re: ps3 update now avilable 3.61
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2011, 02:41:55 PM »
I totally get what Twist is saying - no matter what extra things they've added to prevent jailbreaking/downgrading/softmodding the PS3, they can claim that it's all for "security in light of the recent attacks" and be self justified in not telling us what extras are in there.

I can't wait for someone to decompile it and let us know what's in there though.

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Re: ps3 update now avilable 3.61
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2011, 05:15:56 PM »
I totally get what Twist is saying - no matter what extra things they've added to prevent jailbreaking/downgrading/softmodding the PS3, they can claim that it's all for "security in light of the recent attacks" and be self justified in not telling us what extras are in there.

I can't wait for someone to decompile it and let us know what's in there though.

People may give me odd looks for this though, but I sincerely hope that the new system isn't compromised for a long time. It's been said before, we all know the real reasons behind "jailbreaking" and it isn't so users who buy USBs and add applications to there phones to do it, are actually using homebrew applications. It isn't even likely they know what home brew is available.

I'd like to see the console be the best that it can be, and although it is bothersome that the other operating system was removed, because I actually did use it toward the end. It isn't something that matters now. It isn't as if the PS3 is the only way to run Linux.

I am tired of the... For lack of a better word - bull that is going on with all the PS3. It is tiresome, and just needs to end. People have become so bothersome it is almost worth joining the game myself.


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Re: ps3 update now avilable 3.61
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2011, 05:34:45 PM »
Well, as long as customers are going to be shady, there's going to be counter-shady business practice, and then a 3rd shady party comes in and messes with both of them. It's been going on since before technology, just the way society and history repeat themselves, no matter what age we're in.

I agree though in that full utilization is always preferred, it is unfortunate that to achieve this we have to rely on garage developers to attain/reacquire it.

Biggest thing is though, I like to know what's going on. Just as I would read the Nutrition Facts on any food I am about to eat - I like to do the same for my PC and Consoles. I know I'm not going to see "Rat Poison" on my Cheerios just like I know I won't see "TRJ_KeyLogger" in my update details, but I do like to be as informed as possible.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 05:35:13 PM by DuctTapedGoat »

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Re: ps3 update now avilable 3.61
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2011, 07:43:56 PM »
They could give some more details about the update, even vague ones would be nice. With the haste of this project though, I doubt much more is actually in the update than a bit of new security. It is quite likely that another update will happen in the next week and that one - I am sure will have quite a lot in store for security.

Your rat poison in cheerios comment made me laugh. On a side note - some of it is quite sweet and could be mistaken for a sugar substitute. So the bowl of cheerios would likely be just as fulfilling.

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