Author Topic: a dell user's guide to reusing there case  (Read 3087 times)

Offline thevipper

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a dell user's guide to reusing there case
« on: April 25, 2012, 07:14:00 PM »
*note* this is for people with moderate old dells there is some that just can't be done motherboard screw holes are the most impotant to check for compatiblity

dell vostro 200 is the model i know that should work. insprion 531 might also work as the case should be the vostro 200 rebagged other models might work but you will have to do the research

i am not held liable for this modifacation if you do not want to do the research or are unsure how to find out save you're self a headache and get a cooler master haf 912 as they are a decent price and has plenty of upgrade room for future use

also if you have a s after the number like vostro 200s most likely you have a slim line and you are only able to use low profile graphic cards

information you need to know before begining

1.will the current motherboard scew holes fit a aftermarket motherboard screw holes big of a cpu cooler are you using and will it fit in you're case

3.can you use a full height graphics card or are you stuck with a low profile graphics card

4.will the width and length of the card fit

5.what size diemiensions of a psu will fit

6.will this be cheaper or another case be cheaper

7.what other mods will you have to do

8.what size motherboard will fit in you're case the dell case that cool to you, can you see a diamond under the dell logo

parts needed

dremell with a cutting wheel and sanding bit/ block Replacement Power Reset LED Wire Kit for ATX Case Front Bezel - Power switch/LED assembly available at tiger direct

new motherboard new cpu (also might want new psu ram and graphics card)

optinal: for making any drive mount outside the case to accept longer graphic cards

wire strippers/lighter

electrical tape/heat shrink tube


and 5.25/3.25/2.25 drive mounts

a brain to comprehend the information on finding you're screw holes pattern


fully disassemble you pc where it is just the shell.

now take you're dremel and cut out you're rear i/o shield to the size just a bit smaller than a rear i/o shield

now that that's done check and see if you're new rear i/o shield fits if it does clean the cut up with the sanding bit then check to see if the rear i/o shield still fits if it does all you have to do is glue it on if it wont pop on like it should.

ok now you're motherboard should fit well maybe i hoped you checked if you're screw holes alligned if not you will have to get a new case sorry bye bye.

ok you're screw holes fit greeeat now remove you're old power switch and led's if you have not done so already or keep them there if you wish you can always do a custom mounting option.

you have a full replacement switch and led's all you have to do is swap out led's for a different color if you want

now you'r dell is not a dell no more it is rightfully a regular crappy case

*notes and tips to remember*

if you have a long graphics card or psu you might have to drill/cut an opening at the top and install you're drives or psu if you like to externally

drill holes and cut an opening for extra case fans

buy extra cable adaptors if you need them

have a very steady hand

have patience

have a desire to make it look cool and to save roughly $30+ on a low end case and spend $4 roughly only attempt if you already have a dremel and tool pieces dell is really not wroth buying a dremel for



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