Author Topic: Messed up DS Lite mobo, but still think it's fixable.  (Read 3637 times)

Offline Quadraginta

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Messed up DS Lite mobo, but still think it's fixable.
« on: June 11, 2012, 08:06:13 PM »
I completely messed  up my DS Lite motherboard. The two essential fuses are missing, along with their soldering pads, the power switch has come off, and I tried soldering in a new one. I messed that up too, of course, and pretty much all of the soldering pads are gone. However, I'm still crazy enough to believe that I might, just might, be able to fix it. And at the same time, I wish to mod the thing (just a bit.).

The only mod I wish to perform is this one:

How to Fix DS Lite Power Button With Tactile Switch

Where can I buy a tactile switch like that one? If it's on Amazon, then please give me a link. Now, I know I can bridge the fuse pads by soldering a wire to bridge the gaps, but mine tore off. If I solder it as is, will it still work? If not, then how else can I bridge the gaps? Also, what's the best soldering metal that I should use in this situatuion? And where can I buy it? I'm going to need a full tutorial for this and a full list of supplies, so....please bear with me :P

« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 08:20:19 PM by Quadraginta »

Offline Sammy

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« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 09:15:20 PM by Sammy »

Toad: Sam, You sound like your stoned out of your mind lol
Me: :D

Offline 3D0kassiah

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Re: Messed up DS Lite mobo, but still think it's fixable.
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2012, 07:21:57 AM »
just a regular tact switch if you need one pm and i can send you one there only like a buck at any electronic store
and not to be an ass but.... why did you keep going if the second pad was destroyed?
no offense or anything but if you werent sure you shouldve grabbed a practice board
using a good amount of flux to stuff like that really helps you from lifting the pads
also the main reason why pads get lifted is your either A using a iron to dam hot or B your leaving it on there to dam long
you can try and scratch the trace with a fiberglass pen auto stores carry those
and try and repair it like that itll be the same concept just your not using the original pads make sense?

original pad>0--(scratch here and attach wire, resistor etc)----
good luck i might have an extra ds lite board somewhere the battery crapped out and never got around to replacing it
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 07:23:07 AM by 3D0 »
Tracey: f off Rodent
rodent:i would of flew it to bill gates and shoved it up his a$$

Offline Quadraginta

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Re: Messed up DS Lite mobo, but still think it's fixable.
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2012, 07:57:10 AM »
just a regular tact switch if you need one pm and i can send you one there only like a buck at any electronic store
and not to be an ass but.... why did you keep going if the second pad was destroyed?
no offense or anything but if you werent sure you shouldve grabbed a practice board
using a good amount of flux to stuff like that really helps you from lifting the pads
also the main reason why pads get lifted is your either A using a iron to dam hot or B your leaving it on there to dam long
you can try and scratch the trace with a fiberglass pen auto stores carry those
and try and repair it like that itll be the same concept just your not using the original pads make sense?

original pad>0--(scratch here and attach wire, resistor etc)----
good luck i might have an extra ds lite board somewhere the battery crapped out and never got around to replacing it

An extra DS Lite board, you say? Mayhaps......we might be able to strike a deal? ^_^

I'm getting sick of trying to revive my own board anyways.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 07:58:22 AM by Quadraginta »


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