Author Topic: How to put a window and led's in your phat xbox 360 hard drive  (Read 4937 times)

Offline XeVox

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Dremel tool with cutting and sanding bits
Soldering Iron
T6 screwdriver
T10 screwdriver
2 3mm LEDs with a forward voltage of 2-2.2
small wire(smaller than speaker wire so around 30 gauge)
100-120 Ohm resistor

You can use other LEDs but you need to use this resistor calculator to find your resistor

Lets begin:

Step 1-
Use the t6 and t 10 screwdrivers to open up the HDD. Here is a video if that is somehow difficult.(not my video)
How To Open Xbox 360 HDD/Hard Drive

Step 2-
Once you have your HDD apart remove the side piece of the hdd from the top.

Once you have that removed you are going to want to cut the support in the center so you dont have anything blocking the HDD from being viewed through the window.

Step 3-
I would highly recommend taping off where you are going to cut, but I did not because I didn't have any at the time.
For this Hard Drive I am just going to follow the line already on the HDD where it starts to go down. What I do is cut out a square with a cutting blade and wait so I can use the sanding bit for the curve.

Leave a small amount on all the sides to file or sand away. To make the curve get out your sanding bit, and sand away as close to the side as you can without sanding away anything past the line. Now use your sand paper/ files to get the window looking clean so you can begin wiring the leds and adding the plexiglass.


Step 4-
THe first thing you will need to strip the yellow and black wires from the connection thing that connects the hdd to the xbox.

Once you have the window cut and the wires of the plug stripped you can start to wire your LEDs.
I am using orange wire for positive, and white as ground.

It should look something like this

Step 5-
Use your dremel to cut out a piece of plexiglass that is just bigger than the window you cut. You can use a sheet of plexi glass, or even a cd case

Step 7- Be careful, and watch out for wires interfering with the hdd going together correctly. Screw it all back together and enjoy your awesome new Hard Drive.

Offline Rodent

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