dont know why it wouldnt be repairable. dont i havent did any kind of modding in a while.
i have did a few trace repairs though
Thanks to rdc for the scans. He could help you more. He will probably post soon.
but you can scrape the trace back and solder a wire to the places and bypass that the parts thats messed up. they sell a trace repair pen but i dont think they would work? but what do i know.
cant really tell if the top trace on goes? Rdc can tell you that, but by looks here is what i would do
the blue lines are supposed to be wires. i would see if the top one has a little piece of trace left up there if not you have to find where it goes and jump it from there.
the red lines are where i would try to use trace from to jump them. and i forgot. i dont know if it would effect anything but you might need to jump a wire between the 2 blue lines side by side if that makes since.
again RDC or someone with more knowledge can verify. hopefully you are better then me at soldering. i think thats your only option but i maybe wrong