Author Topic: Hello All  (Read 933 times)

Offline TrueAmbition

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Hello All
« on: August 21, 2018, 11:00:55 AM »
Hi, I used to be involved in the Original Xbox mod scene. Hard modding of the original xbox  and XBMC user when it was in its early stage of development.  I have a background in programming and was a Telemetry software engineer many years ago. I have skills in visual basic and C programming although all a long time ago now.  I am currently a gas engineer, but am off sick for a while now. So I have been spending some of my time now, fixing and refurbishing Xbox 360's Xbox one's and controllers. I have joined this forum to pick up on the modding scene, to offer help (where I can) and I would like to learn what are the hardware faults in Xbox One consoles and controllers in order to repair them.  Thanks for looking at my post


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