Author Topic: PS4 module replacement help  (Read 745 times)

Offline Frs_william

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PS4 module replacement help
« on: September 25, 2021, 08:25:41 PM »
I?ve replaced 2 modules for the R3 on 2 separate JDM - 055 boards, but both have the same issues.
On one I used the modules that have the green pots and the other motherboard has the orange pots and I swapped the R3 with the module that had the green pot as well.

So one has matching green pot modules while the other has 1 orange pot module (L3)  with 1 green pot (R3) module.

My issue is that when plugged into the gamepad tester it doesn?t even register like the full range of motion, it ends up going into a square, which I?m not sure what the issue can be as when I soldered them all, they had no drift in game. So when trying to do micro adjustments for example up, down, or left it?ll register in game and in the tester, but once I try to move it to the right I need to the stick a few degrees before it finally starts to register the input , So when actually trying to play it just feels like there?s delay because you can?t do small adjustments.

Hope these images can help,

Offline ChrisJavier

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Re: PS4 module replacement help
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2021, 10:44:38 AM »
That's how fake ALPS behave.

Offline Frs_william

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Re: PS4 module replacement help
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2021, 01:49:17 PM »
That's how fake ALPS behave.

Thank you so much for the video link, I was never aware of that. Sucks being that I had bought them off a seller from eBay in Texas, not even from AliExpress or anything.

Any recommendation of where to get good modules from?


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