Author Topic: XBOX Series Controller 1914 - Microsoft calibration tool breaks controller ?  (Read 2087 times)

Offline TimeToRelax

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First of all, thank you for making a schematic for various controllers.

It made my life so much easier with troubleshooting and repair.

I've replaced a lot of analog sticks in Xbox controllers, and I have used two potentiometers for calibration so far and had great success with them.
After Microsoft introduced software calibration with a new firmware update, I gave it a shot on my test controller, but it seems that something is wrong with the calibration tool.
I did the calibration of two new sticks, and after doing full circles a few times in the tester, my left stick was pushed to the max left and the right one to the down.

After disconnecting the USB cable and plugging it back in, sticks are back in the centre but after doing full circles a few times it does the same thing.

Here is a test video that I recorded from a gamepad tester

Has anybody encountered the same issue or have any thoughts about this?
« Last Edit: March 29, 2024, 12:42:38 PM by TimeToRelax »

Offline zeromant

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Hello, i was to ask the same thing, i replaced the Y axis pot of my right stick, i've tested my controler and then after i calibrated my controller, it shows the same issue as you showed in your video. i even replaced the pot again and the issue persists.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 06:48:33 PM by zeromant »

Offline rolnikziom

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- download xbox insider, join to "xbox update preview alpha"
- console will download update : xb_fit_2408ge.240812-2000
- after updated console will force the controller to update.
- after update, controller should has at least
- calibrate
This should work.


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