Author Topic: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #7 | DONE! VIDEO & PICTURES UP!]  (Read 90501 times)

Offline JoblessPunk

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JoblessPunk DESIGNS™ Presents: Sony PSP Slim JP Edition



I wanted to share with you what I've been doing on my PSP end.
Right now this is just the first of 5 mods I'm going to be doing to my PSP.
In the end I will have dual nubs, internal Camera, remove the DC power source/move it to USB Charge, making the WiFi always "live"/Using the WiFi Switch for another purpose, swapping LED Colors of Memory stick and Charge, and add  1 LED.

I know what your thinking, "JUST ONE LED?!?!"
haha, yeah, I'm not that into having 15+ LED's and making them dance to music.
But, you'll see what I do with it by the end of my project.


I have been tinkering around with dual nubs for a while now and have never really be satisfied with my results.
What I wanted was to have the PSP look like it came straight from the factory with two nubs. I also wanted full functionality of the STOCK Power board.

I've seen the placement of the second nub really far to the right and too low, both don't look right to me and probably a pain to use.

I finally got the results I was looking for:

The second nub is still about a millimeter too low, but it looks so much better than most dual nubs I see.
Also, I used the STOCK Power board in the PSP. ( I know Jumbo and 123sample have been able to do the same thing so I know its not a new idea... but I was glad I personally could make it fit)

Please note:

This PSP is my "TEST" PSP
I have not run the wires to make the nub actually function, and in the end my PSP will not be clear. The only reason I'm using a Clear case is to be able to test fit everything before I move on to the actual PSP I will be modding.

My next update will show me test fitting the internal camera behind the UMD door.
Thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 04:14:43 AM by JoblessPunk »

Offline bustinthejustin

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2009, 06:48:16 PM »
Nice! If you can get everything wired up it'll be great! On your real psp though, try not to scratch the case ;) your test psp has a lot of scratches near the 2nd nub. Other than that though, it should be fine :) good luck!

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2009, 06:57:10 PM »
Looks cool

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2009, 07:47:30 PM »
Wait..? where's the AC plug?

I HAVE heard that you have to remove it for dual numbs, but I then heard someone say that's only for phat, that you can leave it on for slim.

You should really use some sort of plastic to fill that hole... gonna get dusty in there after awhile... not good.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2009, 07:49:58 PM by EliteGamer83 »

Offline bustinthejustin

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2009, 07:55:19 PM »
i think its easier to remove it on a slim. He removed it and added usb charge.

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2009, 08:30:48 PM »
any tips on how do dual nub? And what did board to you use to make the razor? the razor x or razor2?

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2009, 09:04:52 PM »
Lookin good.........
  you look like a carrot.
My nickname at school is carrot cake, because i can't get tan. I get orange. and my face is shaped like a carrot. And i make a mean carrot cake.

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2009, 03:36:44 AM »
Not bad, i like what you've don so far. Should be one nice looking slim when it's complete.

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2009, 03:42:34 AM »
nice! you should definitely fill in the charging hole then it would look sick :tup:

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Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2009, 06:52:10 AM »
Nice! If you can get everything wired up it'll be great! On your real psp though, try not to scratch the case ;) your test psp has a lot of scratches near the 2nd nub. Other than that though, it should be fine :) good luck!

haha yeah, All the scratches are on the inside.
I don't really care about the look of this case, its only purpose is to let me test fit everything before so I don't mess up an OEM PSP case.

Wait..? where's the AC plug?

I HAVE heard that you have to remove it for dual numbs, but I then heard someone say that's only for phat, that you can leave it on for slim.

You should really use some sort of plastic to fill that hole... gonna get dusty in there after awhile... not good.

in 123sample dual nub tutorial he does say this it is possible to keep the AC plug. I tried keeping it, but with my test PSP i couldn't get the AC Plug and the second nub to fit without having an awkward bulge.
Also, rewiring the USB plug to have power all the time is very simple and looks clean.

Here's some pictures of my test with keeping the AC Plug:

any tips on how do dual nub? And what did board to you use to make the razor? the razor x or razor2?

The Parts I'm using are:
Replacement PSP Analog Switch -
Razor X pcb board -

Some Tools you will want:
- Dremal
- Razor blade/Box cutter
- Circle tapering Drill bit (I don't know what its called, but its a bit that has multiple rows of circles on it that taper from small to large)

Good Tutorial about assembling the PSP Nub/Razor X:

Moding the PSP to fit the second nub is all about trial and error.
Get a clear faceplate so you can see what you are doing and try test fitting it.
You wont be able to get it to fit perfectly the first or second time.
(For me to like the Placement of my nub it took me about 20 test fits.)

You will basically have to modify everything the nub would touch.
- Back case
- Faceplate
- X /_\ O [] buttons
- Screen
- Home Buttons
they all have to be modified a little to make room.
I would recommend trying to keep the Nub replacement and Razor X Board as "stock" as possible.
There is no point making a second nub fit if it doesn't work right.

I would also recommend ordering at least 3 Replacement Nubs.
Shipping sucks ass and trust me you will be almost done with your mod and you need a new Nub because the spring is gone, or the one you have is scratched up, etc.

nice! you should definitely fill in the charging hole then it would look sick :tup:

Yes, Yes, I will on my final PSP.
Right now I'm just test fitting everything on this PSP case before I move on to the PSP OEM Case.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2009, 07:10:22 AM by JoblessPunk »

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2009, 07:37:33 AM »
Nice job bro!

Only thing I don't like is the gab I'm trying to figure out some way you would use custom plastics to fill it.

Offline rgarjr

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2009, 08:40:47 AM »
Nice job bro!

Only thing I don't like is the gab I'm trying to figure out some way you would use custom plastics to fill it.

Fill it with a piece of plastic and then bondo maybe?  The thing about that is that you need to paint it afterwards which is the drawback. 

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2009, 10:19:39 AM »
First off I have to say I'm very, very happy with how well this worked out.

As I said on my first post I'm trying to make this PSP look like it came from the factory with all these modifications already done.
With that said my goal was to have a true INTERNAL camera.
I've been looking around at other peoples internal camera mods and they all  look like you had a PSP, then took a camera and stuck it on it.
(I know, I know there are some people that did a great job putting the camera in the psp. Just to name one, anthonyta did an awesome job with putting his camera in the PSP)

But again, I didn't want that.
What I wanted was to have the nice clean flat back of the PSP without having holes in the UMD door, or the camera sticking out if the PSP.

And... I did it:

Surprisingly I didn't have to modify the PSP case to make it fit.
There is a VERY small amount bulging on the bottom of the case. I can EASILY grind down inside the UMD space a little to make it fit perfectly.

On my final PSP I'm going to have a clear jewel made, glue it in, and paint it but leaving where the camera is unpainted.

Remember, this is just my test PSP. I'm only using this PSP to make sure everything will fit before I move to the OEM PSP case and wire everything up.

My next Update will be fitting the LED, making the wifi always "live" and using the switch to turn on/off LED and Camera
Thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: April 01, 2009, 03:21:44 AM by JoblessPunk »

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #2]
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2009, 12:17:37 PM »
dude that cam looks pretty swish.. but doesnt it show the white part of the "S" ??

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #2]
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2009, 01:53:08 PM »
You need a switch on the data - wire, meaning it can't be grounded like the wifi switch is.

So you can't use the wifi switch for the camera. You can use it for the LEDs still, just not the camera.

But ya great work!

Can't wait to get me one of them cameras.

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #2]
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2009, 08:44:10 PM »
Camera looks clean there.  Is it wired up already to the USB port?  Don't see any wiring on there.

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #2]
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2009, 08:57:05 PM »
Nice job! thanks for the tips

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #2]
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2009, 03:16:56 AM »

Long time no see!

Sorry for such a long time in between updates, I had to wait for shipping to receive the 30 AWG wire.
Also, this update isn’t exactly what I said I would have done, but I thought I would share some information.

Alrighty let me show ya some wires:

I had a really good time running the wires for this.
I was kinda nervous putting the battery in and turning it on, but everything worked like a charm.


Please Remember!!
This is just my test PSP, I’m doing all my trial and error, seeing what obstacles I will run into before I move on to the actual PSP I will be modding.

Everything is really small and the margin for error is very high.
But, if you take your time, follow rgarjr wiring diagram HERE and have the right tools/supplies anyone could do this mod.

Now let me show you what I found out.
I always see people having a switch to turn on and off the PSP Camera. Everyone that I ask just said that it needs a switch with no proof of them trying the install without a switch.

So voila here is the proof in the pudding:

I was TOTALLY expecting my PSP motherboard to fry when I plugged the USB into the computer and into the PSP, but it didn’t.

So as you can see, your computer doesn’t know what to do with the USB Device. If you go into settings and turn off USB charge all that happens is your PSP sits in “please wait mode” and does nothing.

Also if you have the USB plugged in and try to use the camera the PSP tells you to connect a camera that is compatible.

So there ya have it.
Proof that you NEED a switch for the camera.

My next Update will be some case modding to fit two switches on the top of the PSP
Thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: April 14, 2009, 03:26:38 AM by JoblessPunk »

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #3]
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2009, 04:45:41 AM »


I’m excited to show you guys what I’ve been working on... but also a little ashamed.
Lets finish where I left off last post.

I found out you NEED a switch to use the USB and have a Camera, So I added a switch.

Another thing that I did was do the USB Charge Mod.
I followed wesley_huddleston1 tutorial HERE
Since its a mod for the PSP FAT all you have to do for the PSP Slim is Steps 3 & 4

After that was done I did some testing!
I wasn’t sure if having the USB Charge would interfere with the internal Camera mod so I did a couple of tests:

First I tested plugging the PSP in the Computer via USB/Mini USB cable:
- Charged with power off
- Started up without a battery
- Was not able to use camera when plugged in the Computer

Second I tried it out with a standerd Mini USB wall charger:
-Charged with power off
-Started without a battery
- WAS ABLE to use the camera WHILE plugged in!

Third tested a Mini USB car charger:
- Charged with power off
- Started up without a battery
- Was not able to use camera when plugged in

So over all I have to say it was a success! You can do the USB Charge mod AND have an internal camera!

Alrighty, now on to my next mod:
Its a simple one.
I swapped out the memory stick LED to a blue one. I am also planing on swapping out the Charge LED to blue, but I just haven’t received the Green LEDs yet.
|color skim: |
|Blue – Memory Stick & Charge | Green: WiFi & Power|

Next I did some case moding!
As I have been saying from the beginning  I want this PSP to look like it came from the factory with all these mods already done. So here's my concept for the Switches:

Whatcha think??
I am going to sand down the words WLAN  but keep the arrow and dots.

Lastly I assembled the RAZOR X Nub.
I followed this tutorial HERE

I didn’t take any pictures of the process, but some tips for other people:
- Be careful not to tin the RAZOR X board to much, the spring might not work well.

And heres the embarrassing part....
So I was trying to wire the second nub to the PSP Slim board and failed... miserably.

I CAN NOT solder to the ZIF connector.
I tried all day and ended up breaking the ZIF connector.... and in the end breaking my PSP Test Motherboard. I’m not really bummed about breaking the Motherboard, it was already broken! Haha
What I’m more bummed about was that I couldn’t do it.

I sent an Email to Jumbo and I’m hoping he will be able to send me a “pre-wired” PSP slim motherboard.

Well there ya have it!
I’m learning all these skills and I hope I’m being helpful with sharing my experiences.

I’m almost ready to do all this moding on the PSP I will be moding for REAL! So stay tuned!

My next Update will be LED Swaping of the Power board and adding one more button(surprise!)
Thanks for reading!

« Last Edit: April 18, 2009, 05:19:48 AM by JoblessPunk »

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #4 | BIG UPDATE!]
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2009, 05:11:28 AM »
Hey dude looking great.

That'll definitely help out peeps who need to know if you do need a switch, and that usb charge with the camera will work.

For clarification, what data wire did you put the switch on? Data+ or data- ?

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #4 | BIG UPDATE!]
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2009, 01:01:48 PM »
Hey dude looking great.

That'll definitely help out peeps who need to know if you do need a switch, and that usb charge with the camera will work.

For clarification, what data wire did you put the switch on? Data+ or data- ?

Thanks :)
The switch is on Data+,
I followed this wiring diagram exactly and it worked:

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #4 | BIG UPDATE!]
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2009, 05:42:55 PM »
nice job on this whole thing jobless its coming out great. im surprised by ur razor how you fit with the power plug still there did u sand it down pretty well huh.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #4 | BIG UPDATE!]
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2009, 06:27:04 PM »


I’m excited to show you guys what I’ve been working on... but also a little ashamed.
Lets finish where I left off last post.

I found out you NEED a switch to use the USB and have a Camera, So I added a switch.

Another thing that I did was do the USB Charge Mod.
I followed wesley_huddleston1 tutorial HERE
Since its a mod for the PSP FAT all you have to do for the PSP Slim is Steps 3 & 4

After that was done I did some testing!
I wasn’t sure if having the USB Charge would interfere with the internal Camera mod so I did a couple of tests:

First I tested plugging the PSP in the Computer via USB/Mini USB cable:
- Charged with power off
- Started up without a battery
- Was not able to use camera when plugged in the Computer

Second I tried it out with a standerd Mini USB wall charger:
-Charged with power off
-Started without a battery
- WAS ABLE to use the camera WHILE plugged in!

Third tested a Mini USB car charger:
- Charged with power off
- Started up without a battery
- Was not able to use camera when plugged in

So over all I have to say it was a success! You can do the USB Charge mod AND have an internal camera!

Alrighty, now on to my next mod:
Its a simple one.
I swapped out the memory stick LED to a blue one. I am also planing on swapping out the Charge LED to blue, but I just haven’t received the Green LEDs yet.
|color skim: |
|Blue – Memory Stick & Charge | Green: WiFi & Power|

Next I did some case moding!
As I have been saying from the beginning  I want this PSP to look like it came from the factory with all these mods already done. So here's my concept for the Switches:

Whatcha think??
I am going to sand down the words WLAN  but keep the arrow and dots.

Lastly I assembled the RAZOR X Nub.
I followed this tutorial HERE

I didn’t take any pictures of the process, but some tips for other people:
- Be careful not to tin the RAZOR X board to much, the spring might not work well.

And heres the embarrassing part....
So I was trying to wire the second nub to the PSP Slim board and failed... miserably.

I CAN NOT solder to the ZIF connector.
I tried all day and ended up breaking the ZIF connector.... and in the end breaking my PSP Test Motherboard. I’m not really bummed about breaking the Motherboard, it was already broken! Haha
What I’m more bummed about was that I couldn’t do it.

I sent an Email to Jumbo and I’m hoping he will be able to send me a “pre-wired” PSP slim motherboard.

Well there ya have it!
I’m learning all these skills and I hope I’m being helpful with sharing my experiences.

I’m almost ready to do all this moding on the PSP I will be moding for REAL! So stay tuned!

My next Update will be LED Swaping of the Power board and adding one more button(surprise!)
Thanks for reading!

Where did you buy your blue LED?

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #4 | BIG UPDATE!]
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2009, 02:09:11 AM »
nice job on this whole thing jobless its coming out great. im surprised by ur razor how you fit with the power plug still there did u sand it down pretty well huh.

In the end I sanded/cut down down:
  • Back case
  • Front case
  • Home row buttons
  • Screen
  • X[]/_\O buttons
  • Cleaned up the Razor X board/Second nub

I kept the Power board untouched and kept the second nub as stock as I could ( I really just knocked down the little tabs on the second nub case)

Here are some pictures of what I sanded down to make it fit:

Where did you buy your blue LED?

I have bought all my LED's from
I HIGHLY recommend them.
Very smooth transactions and out the door and shipped VERY FAST!

Heres the URL's to the LED's I used:
Blue LED - 0603 Surface Mount Led - Blue
Green LED - 0603 Surface Mount Led - Green

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #4 | BIG UPDATE!]
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2009, 06:52:40 PM »
wow l;ast time i tried making awhole in the middle the razor it didnt work out so well did u place a lot of solder to keep the nub from woobling inside

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
*Thanks 802Chives for the Art position!

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #4 | BIG UPDATE!]
« Reply #25 on: April 20, 2009, 04:53:13 PM »
wow l;ast time i tried making awhole in the middle the razor it didnt work out so well did u place a lot of solder to keep the nub from woobling inside
Hmm, I'm not sure what you are talking about.
Did the Razor come without a hole?
I'm using the Razor X.

And yeah, I tinned the Razor X board.

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #4 | BIG UPDATE!]
« Reply #26 on: April 20, 2009, 10:42:16 PM »
well i made my own but its a good one so yea. i kno ur post to tin but did u tin enough to were it clamp that middle peace from woobling

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
*Thanks 802Chives for the Art position!

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #4 | BIG UPDATE!]
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2009, 11:35:56 AM »
I have to say this is very very intresting lots of info here
I am a rarity! I Am All Geek!

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #4 | BIG UPDATE!]
« Reply #28 on: April 21, 2009, 12:11:30 PM »
Okay cool thanks.

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #4 | BIG UPDATE!]
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2009, 02:57:45 PM »
well i made my own but its a good one so yea. i kno ur post to tin but did u tin enough to were it clamp that middle peace from woobling
I did tin it, and the middle piece is not wobbling... so I guess I tinned it enough haha

I have to say this is very very intresting lots of info here

Thank you :)
I had all these questions before I started and I couldn't find answers anywhere. So I decided to post my experiences, information I used, places to buy items, and anything else that someone would have questions about.


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