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go to recovery mode and go to configuration. Your kernel is probably 3.52 just change it to 1.5 and you will be able to use hombrew again.on the vsh menu the UMD ISO MODE is for changing the way you can play isos i have m33 driver ( i dont have to have a umd on the psp to play isos). Iso video mount is if you have a rip umd video (you put it in ms0://ISO/VIDEO) then you just move it to see the video. Reset device is for rebooting your psp.
See, heres the thing...everything u just sed is frickin Chinese to me. I kinda know about whut ISOs are, and I know how to get the VSH, but, first off, i see no "Recovery mode" or "configuration". And I have no clue what "kernel" is or does. I know, I know, I'm a pathetic newbie with no clue whut I'm doing, but i'm learning quick, and one step closer to ExcitebikePSP!!!Also, when I first used my pandora, i had this menu with a buch of options on it that i didn't understand most of (may have been the ones you mentioned!), and i chose to d/g or something, and it took me to "Pandora's Battery Recovery Menu"...Sportin 3 options: 1. Downgrade using boot from ms0:, 2. Backup nand, and 3. Restore nand. I have no clue whut nand is, either, but i know that now i can't find that first menu i started with...Im lost, plz help!-BMFC
Robin I r sorrieez.
To get to recovery mode you have to turn on your psp while holding the R button and you should see what he's talking about
you know who i would bone? daffy duck