Author Topic: Simple Reflective Text Tutorial [PICS]  (Read 1998 times)

Offline IndyChav

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Simple Reflective Text Tutorial [PICS]
« on: December 28, 2007, 08:40:49 AM »
OK today were going to make some reflective text on a lovely black background =]

It’s a nice and simple technique and of course very useful in order to get used to glossy perceptions! You will also learn in this tutorial some nice selection techniques and shortcuts. As usual, I will show you the final result in the beginning:

Let’s Start:
1. Create a new photoshop blank image with a white background (Recommended dimension: 400×250). Then select the Rounded Rectangle Tool and set the foreground color to Black. Make a shape similar to the following:

2. Now, select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and create a selection similar to the following:

3. Invert the selection by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + I. The selection will look like the following:

4. Now, we will use the most useful shortcut in photoshop (at least for me): We want to select the intersection between the current selection and the rounded rectangle black shape that we drew in step 1. Hold CTRL + SHIFT + ALT and Click on the Preview Icon of the shape in the Layers panel. The selection should look like the following:

5. Press CTRL + SHIFT + N to create a new layer. On this new layer we will draw the glossy part of the panel. So, select the Gradient Tool, set the foreground color to White and drag the mouse from down to up:

6. You should get something similar to this

7. Press CTRL + D to remove the selection:

8. Now, we will set the transparency of this layer to 20%. You can do that by editing the transparency of this layer from the Layers panel and here’s what you should see:

9. Let’s type some text with a font you choose and a white color:

10. In order to do a clean vector based reflection, we will duplicated the layer (Right Click on the Text layer in the layers menu and press Duplicate Layer). Now press CTRL + T to make some transformation with the new duplication. Drag the top of the selection down

11. Move the selection up using the Up Arrow Key in your keyboard to reach this state:

12. Press Enter to validate the transformation. Then set the transparency level of this duplication to 20% the same way we did to the gradient layer to have something simllar to this:

13. Now, go the the menu Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options… and select the Gradient Overlay option. Leave them on defaut settings apart from the gradient settings, which should be changed to "foreground to transparent"

14. And press OK to complete this tutorial =]

The purpose of this tutorial is to show you some useful shortcuts you can use frequently! And show you how to make some reflective text on a glossy black background ;-) have fun and keep up the web art =]

« Last Edit: December 28, 2007, 10:43:08 AM by Phenomenal »


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Re: Reflective Text TUT
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2007, 08:42:25 AM »
Nice, keep up the good work


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