
Should I become a moder for hire

24 (64.9%)
5 (13.5%)
I dont care
4 (10.8%)
who are you again
4 (10.8%)

Total Members Voted: 34

Voting closed: June 06, 2008, 08:47:32 AM

Author Topic: l0rdnic0 for hire???  (Read 9447 times)

Offline alexandercyle

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Re: l0rdnic0 for hire???
« Reply #30 on: May 31, 2008, 10:07:21 AM »
LMAO you can really tell who is older with this one haha dont do it again

Offline stankbot

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Re: l0rdnic0 for hire???
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2008, 06:52:56 AM »
     Its obviously your choice, and greatly helps people who can't pull off any sweet mods if you become a modder for hire.  But the more time you work on other people's psps, the less time you have to enjoy working on your own mods, modding your family, or just relaxing.  Unless your are totally strapped for cash, I wouldn't trade anything for those few hours you do have.  One day you might kick yourself in the ass when one of your kids asked for you to take them to a baseball game or something else and you have to respond "Sorry, I am loaded down with stuff I have to do".   Since it wouldn't be right to take smoeone's money and not to the job.
    Obviously this is coming from someone who had a busy dad =P.  But to each his own.

Offline jadestar4

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Re: l0rdnic0 for hire???
« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2008, 10:35:00 PM »
Real nice! Your just mad at me cause you can't talk to me anymore. Get a verizon phone in network calling is FREE!!!!!

woot You rock! Verizon wireless baby (cause I work for them LOL)  any who between your professional mods I've seen and you personal interactions we've had (you and ken mostly) You are an awesome person! When I get a psp I'll be looking to you to help me out.

Offline H-Sauce

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Re: l0rdnic0 for hire???
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2008, 10:03:48 AM »
I dont care, i remember when f00 was a MFH, we would get loads of n00bs saying "Ow pweese mistar f00, mod mah Poospe for 20 engalish pownds pleaze"

If you want to do it, then cool, but i like your mods because no one has them, i would say work on making really good tuts, teach people to mod, dont do it for them.

And you should spend time with your 1st family more than your 2nd, as theyre the ones that need you more, the ones that want you to be there. Spend time with your kids, not the internet and other peoples PSP's.

yeah, your family needs you dude....

dont be a mfh if theres the smallest bit of doubt in your mind, or maybe ask your wife and kids.

spend time with your family not us (or maybe a little bit lol)


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