Author Topic: Looking for Acidmods News Page Journalist - Apply here!!  (Read 13274 times)

Offline robin1989

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Re: Looking for Acidmods News Page Journalist - Apply here!!
« Reply #30 on: January 08, 2008, 02:16:35 PM »
yup onwards and upwards
the world is our oyster

what would we get outa this?
nothing in particular or straight away. but im admin and i progressed through the local global mod etc and i did all that without getting anything. but you do occasionally get the odd freebie etc and you get recognition for what you do - minor celebrity status(very minor)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 02:19:07 PM by robin1989 »

i am not responsible for what i do or my advice

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Offline IndyChav

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Re: Looking for Acidmods News Page Journalist - Apply here!!
« Reply #31 on: January 08, 2008, 03:22:11 PM »
IndyChav's World Domination plans

shoost, you know too mcuh .... and im just spokesperson for the AM community, at least thats what i like to think....

nothing in particular or straight away. but im admin and i progressed through the local global mod etc and i did all that without getting anything. but you do occasionally get the odd freebie etc and you get recognition for what you do - minor celebrity status(very minor)

You did this in the same way i hope to achieve, we are what we make ourselves - David Myles
showing anything is possible,

And i am one to vouch for freebies, help the right people and you WILL be rewarded, in my case a brand new 16gb iPod touch  :tup:

Recognition, as you said Robin, you start low and work your way up, if you do the right things and help the right people there's no telling what you might achieve... Including full celebrity status, its possible just put in the time and dedication...

Thats all for now,
Peace  :victory:


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Re: Looking for Acidmods News Page Journalist - Apply here!!
« Reply #32 on: January 09, 2008, 08:31:02 AM »
If we can expand into the more tech side of news as Robin said, we will better the site, this will be done by the journalists having the news sooner than other sites, i've monitored some of them and they dont post as regularly as we propose to, If we are number one fore news as well as number one for modding, we can effectively take over the console world on the intraweb!!

But thats jsut my 2 cents, .... more to come when I have full access to the internet again =]...                        *damn BT  :angry: :angry:*

Hate to put youi down... They have reporters doing this stuff going to Leipzig, seol, tokio. And phonesing the editors and telling them... Usleess you want to go to a new controy, I would recomend Am related only stuff. I dont care if dell relases planes to build a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 inch TV, I use differnt site for that stuff...


(deda are you annoyed yet lol)

Offline funnybutrandom

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Re: Looking for Acidmods News Page Journalist - Apply here!!
« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2008, 09:53:32 AM »
Skype Comming To The PSP This Month

It seems the long wait is over, sony anounced that skype was comming to the psp within the month, although for phat owners this news isnt so pleasing, due to "memory problems" Skype is only comming to the psp Slim, but not to worry as one of the psp`s best known team "Noobz" have released a sip phone for the psp that works on both phat and slim (read more here).

along with the anouncement that skype is on its way they also anounced that a USB mic is going to go on sale in japan on january 24th.
this is the same mic that was released with the infamous lanquage learning pack (i cant remember the name).

McDonalds: Video games are the main reason for child obesity

It seems the main producers of child obesity are trying to move the blame onto somone else, The chief executive of McDonalds UK has told the times that Gaming is one of the main causes of child obesity, they agree that they have done their fair share of things to help the problem but say that consoles dont help the problem, they cause kids to stay inside instead of playing outside loosing thoes unwanted pounds.


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Re: Looking for Acidmods News Page Journalist - Apply here!!
« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2008, 09:58:36 AM »
Skype Comming To The PSP This Month

It seems the long wait is over, sony anounced that skype was comming to the psp within the month, although for phat owners this news isnt so pleasing, due to "memory problems" Skype is only comming to the psp Slim, but not to worry as one of the psp`s best known team "Noobz" have released a sip phone for the psp that works on both phat and slim (read more here).

along with the anouncement that skype is on its way they also anounced that a USB mic is going to go on sale in japan on january 24th.
this is the same mic that was released with the infamous lanquage learning pack (i cant remember the name).

McDonalds: Video games are the main reason for child obesity

It seems the main producers of child obesity are trying to move the blame onto somone else, The chief executive of McDonalds UK has told the times that Gaming is one of the main causes of child obesity, they agree that they have done their fair share of things to help the problem but say that consoles dont help the problem, they cause kids to stay inside instead of playing outside loosing thoes unwanted pounds.

I love games, i never eat fast food. I am not fat. Simple

Offline funnybutrandom

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Re: Looking for Acidmods News Page Journalist - Apply here!!
« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2008, 10:01:41 AM »
oh and my timezone is GMT +0:00

I love games, i never eat fast food. I am not fat. Simple

I wasnt implying anyone was fat, just posting some news i found very funny  :clap:


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