Author Topic: *censored* help me  (Read 2029 times)

Offline TheMagnolia

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*censored* help me
« on: January 09, 2008, 06:02:43 AM »
To make a long story short, I had a lot of conflicts in my schedule so I decided to take some courses through correspondence.  Bad choice considering I was already taking courses at the college while I was also a fulltime student at the university taking correspondance.

Anyways, had a pretty  :censored: time when my uncle died suddenly and I got holed up with tons of work because of it.  I started falling behind and work nailed me hard too and had me work lots of hours.  So now that leaves me in January, unable to get an extension on my course work and I have 2 courses to finish in less then 3 weeks.  Good luck.

I finished writing the first of 2 essays for History of Science it went great, it took me 3 hours to write 5 pages of essay and another 8 hours compiling the references (which is currently sitting at 2 pages long) but now I have no conclusion and I'm running out of steam. 

Offline Tec_

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Re: *censored* help me
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2008, 06:20:10 AM »
then what are you doing on acid mods!?!?!? BACK TO WORK!!!

bumme dude, but you dont actually ask for any form of help hear, so it leads me to think this should have been in the wine about life thred

Offline Rory

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Re: *censored* help me
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2008, 06:27:34 AM »
Don't give up.
Giving up is a sign of weakness.

When (note: not IF) you finish this, then you will look back and say.
They :censored:ed me over and i got through it.

If you give up then it will be real hard to get a future career.

Need to talk. Hook me up on MSN ;)
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I think that the king of spam should be immune to the punishment for posting spam everywhere, so post away Rory :tup:
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couldnt of said it any better.

Offline Tec_

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Re: *censored* help me
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2008, 06:35:34 AM »
rory is like am's doctor phil

Offline TheMagnolia

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Re: *censored* help me
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2008, 06:51:11 AM »
My paper is on the scientific revolution not to mention a gigantic wall of text.  I need help but I'm not sure how to really ask for it or exactly what help I need.   :censored: guys inspire me or something.

The thesis of the essay was "what, if anything, was revolutionary about the scientific revolution" and my paper is about why there really was no such thing as the scientific revolution.  Instead I called it the European Golden Age of Science.  Then went on to talk about how the discoveries made during this period really weren't new discoveries at all they were written by other people but they were accepted only during the scientific revolution.

Oh heck I wonder if I should just post up the paper and hope and *beg* that someone has ideas.

Offline Slimby

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Re: *censored* help me
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2008, 02:58:10 PM »
It's an interesting premise, and one that has a lot of promise. So you're saying it wasn't a revolution as such, it was more how people's perspectives changed during that time? I'm assuming you mean the turn of the twentieth century, during the end of the Victorian age. Don't worry, you're going to finish this. Trust me on that one.


Slimby for prez.

Offline TheMagnolia

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Re: *censored* help me
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2008, 11:28:00 PM »
It's already finished but just sitting on my desktop so I can edit it, perfect it add some more stuff to it, etc . . .

Anyways the essay is about the "Scientific Revolution" and how it happened in 1514 (with Coppernicus) and ended in the 1700s with Newton.  What I argued was that the Scientific Revolution is a big  :censored: SHAM. 

Other scientists from other parts of the world (like those in the Islamic Golden Age) came up with the theory and published it +500 years before the "Scientific Revolution" but Europe ignored it because of geopolitical reasons and because the Christian Church condemned anything that went against its religious dogma.

Offline Tec_

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Re: *censored* help me
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2008, 05:41:17 AM »
my friend was Coppernicus and i was Galileo Galilei for out AP European History Salon. we got to dress up as them and basically be them for a day, it was so so fun. you should post the paper, i do enjoy the topic, and im sure i could email it over to Coppernicus and im almost positive he would weigh in.


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