Thanks for the tip. I had looked into what the codes meant but they aren't fitting the symptoms.
I have hotswaped it and used xplorer360 to transfer the MS dash back to the HD from the XBOX. The first attempt the xplorer360 recognized the HD but it didnt work then the many times after it never found the HD. I used FATXPLORER and I got the same results.
The errors are supposed to be a missing MS dashboard or something of the like but I think my HD

up wrong during the eeprom back up and seeing how I just reformatted before that I lost the C partition along with the eeprom since it was in the process of doing the eeprom back up.
Any way, since I had bought it used in the condition that it was ( softmodded ) I said to myself what the hell Ill take it back cause it really was kinda buggy anyways. I also found that the erro 21 and my XBOX live conection problems have been related. The XBOX was previously band so that gave me more insentive to return the system.
I have a new one well so to say right in front of me know and I am waiting for a friend to come give me his files he has on his chipped XBOX and take it from that point on.
Im just gunna get the basics and use my AID disc I just updated and start all over like I wanted to with the last unit.
ryanO: yes it went right to the service needed screen. I just got the message that you posted while I!