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Author Topic: ~PSP's L2 & R2 buttons MOD! By Electro~  (Read 81965 times)

Offline Electro

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~PSP's L2 & R2 buttons MOD! By Electro~
« on: February 05, 2008, 01:35:20 PM »
PSP L2 & R2 MOD BY Electro

Finally Finished and Tut added

This MOD uses small switches within the L and R buttons to allow the use of L2 and R2. :D


Parts Needed
  • Two switches
  • 30 gauge wire

Tools Needed
  • Solder Iron
  • Solder

Difficulty rating: 4/5

The following mod requires you to solder to your PSP's Motherboard!
So if you don't know how to use a soldering iron I suggest you don't do this MOD.

This MOD is for the fat PSP, but you can do the same on the Slim.
Although I would never take my Slim apart. :P

This will not affect your PSP's normal play outside PS1 Games!
Everything will work like it should Joystick, D-Pad and all the buttons.
Step By Step Tutorial
1- This is the part of the motherboard U will be soldering.
The bottom left corner of the PSP where the joystick connects via the rubber conductor.

2- Solder the 3 9in wires to the motherboard and also solder the 4th 3in wire to the motherboard. (Look at the image above.) (Solder the ends where you connected the 6 wires together.)

3- Solder the 4 3in wires to the joystick. Solder an additional 6in wire to #2.

4- Get any kind of a small switch that U can find:

The click buttons on the left are from a 2 way radio.
The click button on the right is from a PC mouse.

5- Solder the 1 and 2 wires to a switch. (This will be the R2.)

6- Solder the 2 and 3 wires to a switch. (This will be the L2.)
7- Put the switches where you like.

8- DONE!

Enjoy your L2 and R2 Buttons and have fun playing PS1 games.  ;)

Make sure your using the TYPE 1 Controls from the control menu when playing PS1 games.
When U do this MOD.

Because D-Pad is the controls for movement, and joysticks left and right controls are L2 and R2.

FAQ/ Troubleshooting
  • so what's the catch...did you trade of the left and right buttons on your dpad or how was this possible
    Great Job :tup:
    I hooked it up to the joystick, since it's the most simple place to solder the wires 2.

    And this is just my 1st attempt, later I might put it all inside.

    I was actually thinking of cutting both of the L and R buttons in half, and that would allow me to have all 4 L1, L2, R1 and R2 buttons inside the PSP.  :D

    If you solder the buttons to the joystick U CAN'T use the joystick for movement.

    Because the buttons do the EXACT same thing as the joystick does

    But if U solder the buttons to the D-Pad or use a program like RemaPSP U can use the Joystick for movement and have the D-Pad's left and right buttons be for the L2 and the R2.
  • If you solder the buttons to the joystick you CAN'T use the joystick for movement in PSX GAMES and have the L2 and R2 at the same time.

    Because the buttons do the EXACT same thing as the joystick does.

    But if you solder the buttons to the D-Pad or use a program like RemaPSP you can use the Joystick for movement and have the D-Pad's left and right buttons be for the L2 and the R2.

    More info on the RemaPSP:

    Program author: Danzel
    ~You need to have Custom Firmware to Use this on your PSP.~
    File Description:
    RemaPSP is a program to remap the PSP controls. It also supports turbo (Rapid Fire!) and Macros.
    You can remap any of your psp controls to any other. Including taking input from the remote.
    It works with Devhook and has a launcher for 1.5 homebrew.
    Check the included readme for install, usage, modding instructions.
  • do you know which pins on the joystick go where?(up down left right)?
    I was thinking of using an old joystick from ebay to do the duel nub mod and this would make it alot easier.
    Sure Here:

« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 07:33:00 AM by laxboy »


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